~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Mitzi Chapters
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Here's your taste of Mitzi story, the chapters are below that. Highlight below:

Suddenly a force knocked Mitzi back against the wall and a sword stabbed the wall. The blade was brought only centimeters away from her neck. Mitzi could only stare panicked into the ice colored eyes of the short, blond haired Juta.

"Wake up to your destiny Mitzi. If you refuse, you'll die know by my sword," Juta said glaring at her.


for a limited amount of time, you can get a sneak peak of Shinji from Mitzi 2 in the Art Gallery

Mitzi Story
(no title)


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Mitzi 2: Future
(no title)

(In the process of rough draft ^_^)
Use your cursor to highlight below so you can read it if you wish to know in advance........
Mitzi, Hitomi, Rei, and Demita have defeated Juta and now the worlds judgement has been reborn. Taking place when the girls are out of school, Mitzi feels an ominous preminition though and suddenly a man named Kakeru appears before her, begging for her help.  Travel with Mitzi and her friends 956 years into the future and help a new batch of Legendary Warriors fight off a new evil race of shapeshifters.  Can Mitzi help her descendents?  And what of the Legendary Invocation Right?  What will become of the lives of the future lovers when thier own creation of love is destroyed before thier eyes?  Wait for Mitzi 2: Future......