~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Chapter Two
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The Legend of the Four Warriors


"Here you are dear one," Onaya said comfortingly as she handed Mitzi a cup of steaming cocoa. "Arent you going to introduce me to your friend here?" Onaya suggested making a notion toward the other girl that saved her.

Mitzi was as shocked as Onaya when the strange woman replied, "She does not know me."

Mitzi felt Onaya tense. "Well then who are you?"

The woman smiled and rose to her feet. "Mitzi, you probably know me better than you might think. For you see, I am part of you and yet we are different. I have been your guide and guardian since you were born. I am the one that you cannot see but today I have revealed myself only to protect you now. Though now it is your own power that must protect you. I was sent by the highest power and from all things--"

"Your an angel!!!" Onaya replied in awe.

"An angel? Pah, I doubt that," Mitzi said with a laugh.

"Mitzi!! Dont you realize? She is your guardian spirit from the Great Power!!!" Onaya said with anger in her voice. She then lowered her head, closed her eyes, and turned her face toward the angel. "Why are you here? You shouldnt be visible. Your here to chide me arent you?! Onaya raised her head and looked fiercely at her. I summoned her powers under their orders!!! But I can NOT bring myself to awaken that power--"

"Onaya," the angel spoke over her. "You misunderstand. I am here to protect Mitzi, but they are proud of you. You have pleased them with your decision to wait. It will be hard on her but she will be able to control that power in due time. Can you take her in and show her that?"

"Yes, but--"

"You must summon those powers now. I am sorry, but you can not wait any longer. It grows to dangerous now that Juta is here in full power."

Mitzi slammed down the cup with a little bit of cocoa spilling out of the side and onto the table. "SOMEbody PLEASE tell me what is going on here?! I came here for an explanation, not for a mystery!"

The angel placed a hand on Onaya's shoulder as she raised her head with tears. "You must."

Onaya walked over to Mitzi. For a moment, Onaya just stood there and held Mitzi's face in her hands. Mitzi was slightly frightened. She had never seen her so sad and regretful as she was now.

"Mitzi," Onaya replied as another tear fell from her eye. "Please forgive me."

All of a sudden, an odd rush went through Mitzi as if she were submerged under water. She couldnt breath, her blood felt like cold water running through her veins, so cold it chilled her to the core. In the same instant that all this rushed through her, it was gone.

When Mitzi opened her eyes, Onaya was hugging her tightly and sobbing. Mitzi didnt understand and pulled Onaya away, wiping her tears from her eyes.

"Onaya, why are you crying? What have you done to me? Nothing has happened, Im okay."

"I have just ruined your life. I had no choice. You were born that day, as legend told. Oh, what a cruel game fate plays on such a wondrous girl."

"Onaya," the angel said finally. "Do not fret. She is strong and will fight strongly. Hopefully she will not let us down." With that she disappeared.

A silence filled the room for a long while. Onaya looked over at Mitzi and sighed. "Mitzi. You were born one of four warriors meant to do battle with those four who wish to destroy our world. Two children shall be born on the same day, when the moon rises to the peak point in the sky and is as crimson as blood itself. One child in light, the other in darkness. Juta is your darkness, your destined rival. One who is set to destroy you and the world you protect. Even through all these battles you have to find your other companions too. The warriors of fire, air, and earth. She too must find hers."

"What? Me? A legendary warrior? You HAVE to be kidding me. Ive never heard of this legend either. How in the world do you expect me to believe all this?"

"You will. Many generations of my people have told of your coming and since I was a little girl, Ive dreaded the fact that I was chosen to summon your powers. Those who are one with the earth and its own power know the legend, dear child. The four warriors, their battles, their lives, the very being. All of it explained in ancient text. Scrolls that are sealed away. They tell of your ill fate as well. Oh Mitzi please, tell me youll fight. Dont let our world down. Your life is ruined from this day forward for once the power is awoken, tragedy will bestow you. Oh please Mitzi, I beg of you, destroy Juta and her power."

"What the hell?! I cant fight and kill a person who can summon things from nowhere and knows how to fight with almost anything!!! I mean, my god!! Didnt you see she could shape-shift?!"

"Mitzi, you can do that too. You can train yourself to do those things. But you have to train yourself, I can not summon power for you. You have to find that ability."

"Well now isnt that peachy, she said sarcastically walking toward the door."

"Where are you going?"

"Im going home, where my life makes sense. Where I can finish my homework and I can sleep."

"Mitzi you shouldnt go home. There is still more you dont know about Juta and what shes done."

"Well oh well, Im tired. Tell me in the morning, Mitzi screamed as she slammed the door behind her."

"Oh Mitzi," Onaya sighed, her fists clenched tightly on the blanket that she had just been wrapped up in. "Mitzi, of all the people in the world, why did you have to be one. And why did Juta beat you home? I regret what you will find, dear child. I can only hope for what is not possible, cant I?"