So here's your updates......
Better Quotes Section
Got the Sailor Moon Gallery up more
Fushigi Yugi Summery up
Next chaps of Mitzi and Silverwing
New art ^_^
Maybe more?
so yes, it has been a very long time. As i've said, school has caught up with me since its the last few months
till graduation, and all that jazz.......
I put up some counters on the front page so you know what's going on in my life at least. I'll try to poke at this
every once in a while and give you a sizable update sometime within the next 2 or 3 months.
Trying to do an update..... though not much.... i fixed some stuff on navagation.... but other than that.... *Shrugs*
life is just busy.... hopefully I'll have more soon...
added a quotes page. Its quotes from my everyday life...
sorry its taken a while..... Band has got me really busy. I'm trying hard though.... I"ll throw you all the new
stuff I've got..... New stuff in Gundam and the first chapter of Silverwing fully edited and put on display.... and I do beleive
I posted some more pics for the galleries..... oh well..... ^_^ hope you like the new stuff
I'm still alive surprisingly. I'm working on a bunch of stuff and i updated a chap in Gundam (arigato jeppy-chan!!!)
and when she gets one more chap up I should have 2 more to add on and so you'll have 3 chaps on next update. Silverwing
is going good. Will give you a huge update soon I promise *kotc*
got myself on a list too.... its on the front page
I updated the stories section. It's not much but i'm busy with play and writing so I'm doing stories. I'm
kinda on a break... but kinda not... I'm working on the small stuff....
I'll update again soon.....
I put some "easier" thumbnails in the wallpaper section so it doesn't freeze your comp ^_^ Aren't I the sweetest thing?
anyway... working hard and hardly... resting? hai... till the next *cheers*
Made the Art section just a little more organized as well as posted a new pic....
by the next post, I should have a few more galleries up on my SM gallery and maybe even the Main for the next one....
haven't decided yet....
Just a quick update with something hillarious....
a new section called the randomness war... it makes no sense... and that's the point :p
I have been HTMLing my A$$ off for you people!!!! I've gotten all the senshi up!!!! XD so i'm working on Tuxie right
Well... for those who want to know... if you go to and find my Selene Silverwing Pen name you'll also find the prologue and the first 5 chapters of Selene Silvewing, the
story ^_^ Look under the Fantasy section......
got a new style for my diary and well... i guess that will do... i can't think of all the other stuff i did...
Keep up the visits ^_^.... oh... and comment on the stories and stuff too ;)
Makoto gallery is up and the wallpaper gallery is up
Sorry I can't do more but i'm trying....
Well i hope you all are happy with this update.... i've been working for a week strait on nothing but HTML and typing
chapters and organizing this page. Got alot of pics up, two chapters of mitzi, finished Usagi Rei and Ami's gallery
and in the process of working on Makoto, bugging jeppy for more of everything and the next chapter of GW cause after that
i get to write a chapter >:^D
see lots of stuff. Put up a link on the main page to my Recomended books section simply cause it's lost in my little
profile and i don't think many people get to see what type of books i read ( the ones that really rock :p)
Anyway..... BROWSE AWAY!!!!!! ^_^
I'm not dead i promise!!! i'm just so overbooked with stuff that i really dont' have time right now.... i'm working here
and there though.... so please dont' give up on me... give me oh.... till november... i promise... *pouty eyes* damn my extra
added the "Outcast Main" (yeehee!!)
sorry for not updating for a while... i'm working hard though... promise....
Joined another site list. And i also learned my galleries are down.... -_-;;; yet again....
added a couple more things in the banners and a music list to Mitzi... i'll add more songs to the list later... now i'm
going to work on the next info and episode guide and trying to find yet another host.....
got up akito.... look for more as it comes....
Okay okay okay!!! I've got more stuff up finally.... yes.... our fanart section is a blooming for sure :D and this time
we have the contributions from madamoiselle jeppy-chan!!!!
Well, there are a couple more galleries up in sailor moon.... what? only 10+ more to go you say? well..... we're moving
along.... -_-;;;;
I decided to take a break from the html and put up some more mitzi and work out some of the other fan fics i have.
I also drew you guys a cool pic of Analia.
have fun ^_^
:::: 7/13/02 ::::
I've added the Cats gallery onto the Sailor Moon galleries... link is towards the bottom...
I'm also using these thingies!!!  their
so cute!!! its for new stuff...
I've also got up an online diary... yay!! you can read my trials with HTML hehehehe....
I've got some more Mitzi written out on paper so don't worry, i haven't forgotten it all ^_^ Got Chapter 5 up too!!!
I'm also working on a wiccan page here and there.... so that should be the next project up ^_^ check back soon
::: 7/2/02 :::
Started getting the SM gallery up!!! God... be grateful.... html is a killer..... got Usagi, Ami, and Rei up.....yay....
I'm now gonna get back on with the ball with writing some more html for Makoto and work on Mitzi..... so bleh.... talk
later... more work -_-;;;
:::6 /16/ 02 :::
Updated Mitzi chapters ^_^ 2 and 3 are up (yeah!!!)
I've had to postpone my MKR work cause my other galleries have both crashed -_-;; so yeah... back to woking on them......
Got some more kick butt awards too!!! Arigato you guys!!!!
more updates later ^_^ (oh, i'm starting to date them too)