~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Chapter Three
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The Rise of the Water Warrior


Blue and red lights from police vehicles flashed fiercely on the area. Mitzi was screaming and crying. Trying her best to make sense of the scene before her and screaming so the pain inside of her would stop. But nothing helped what she saw and what was there in the hall. Blood. It covered the walls and the floor. It covered the two bodies that lied there as well. The bodies, who had been stabbed completely through the chest as the police had found, were her own parents. Once happy and living a brilliant life. Now cold and stiff on the floor with Mitzi screaming in disbelief in the background.

People that lived near by tried their best to pull her away, but she refused to move. The police only knew that her parents were dead. There was no reason, evidence, or clue anywhere to be found. It was as if they had been killed by a ghost. But that's not what they thought now. The only thing they could hear or think of was Mitzi's screaming and her wild sobbing. How did this even happen?

It was clearly a mystery. The neighbors heard the screams and called the police but watched the house constantly for something and never saw a person leave. There was no knife on the ground or anything. There was nothing there to give them any sort of hint that either had killed the other and they knew anyway that sort of thing would never happen with her parents. They were respectable and well loved people.

Onaya came rushing up and held Mitzi tightly and gradually lead her away from the area. All Mitzi could do was cry and ask how this could have happened. Onaya, who was Mitzi's legal guardian, had rushed there as soon as she heard the sirens. She just held Mitzi and rocked her like a child, telling her everything would be okay in the end.

The night drug on and never seemed to end. Finally they left. Mitzi had to go to her new home now. To a shrine on a distant hill, just at the edge of town. Where Onaya lived.




"Mitzi, are you sure your okay?" Sayori asked. It had been only a couple weeks since that day. Mitzi really didnt want to be back but Onaya had insisted that she go back. She said that she needed something to distract her thoughts and get her back on track. She sat down in her chair for her first class and nodded. All she wished to do was get through the day and so, the day went on as normal, minus the sympathetic remarks from people.

After the long tiring day of school and after school practice, she sat down on a bench in the courtyard of the school. Lots of people stayed after and roamed about the courtyard. She had a couple of times, but now she was to be a regular. The bus that came after school would take her across town to her home, it was way too far to walk. She had plenty of time before that bus would come too, so she decided to get her homework done and out of the way. It was so hard to concentrate at the shrine anyway.

Mitzi sat on a bench under a cherry blossom tree and got comfortable. As she took out her books, a blond haired, blue eyed boy walked over to her. Mitzi, who kind of wanted privacy, looked up at him.

"Hi.... I just... um... I just saw you roaming around a bit with that sad look on your face. I could give you some company if you want? I mean.... Your over here on this bench by yourself and well... you look like you could use some company...."

Mitzi saw that the boy was blushing slightly and smiled. He must have been nervous. "You can sit down if you wish," she replied kindly.

He sat down and she went back to reading her textbook. The boy laid his bag at his feet and just stared about. After a while, Mitzi began to notice the silence that hung in the air strangely. She looked up and caught the boys eyes for a second before he looked away. His face turned more red than it did before. Mitzi almost found herself giggling but held it back with the thought of her homework and it's needing to get done. Her mind couldnt focus though and she looked over to the boy again. He looked back and she got caught in his sky blue eyes. For an instant, she felt something that was new and strange. Then she regained her composure and looked away, taking notice that she had stopped breathing for a second.

"S-so, tell me about yourself," she stuttered as she closed her textbook. "I love to get to know people."

"Well, I'm on the soccer and baseball team and I've got a variety of interests like drama and music. I'm in the Computer Club and I hope to run for student council next year. I'm trying to make new friends and get to know people since I'm new here."

"You must be Asanuma."

He smiled brightly. "Yeah, Toshi said that I should probably talk to you, seeing that you know a lot of people."


"Oh, Satoshi. Sorry, I call him Toshi for short."

"You mean Satoshi, the star ball player? Your friends with him?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, he isn't exactly too great with new students. I wouldn't think that he'd get to know you so quickly."

"Oh, he didn't want to at first. When I joined the baseball team and was put on the spot in a game, he kind of let go of the grudge. We won the game."

"I heard."

"Yeah, so what have you been up to lately?"

"Oh nothing much, I'm just tired from practice since I haven't been to them lately."

"Why not?"

Mitzi looked at him funny. Surely everyone knew. "Um.... family problems."

"Oh, sorry.... I hope things get better."

"Thanks, they have recently."

"So.... umm.... do you want to... umm.... go out and catch a movie or go get a shake sometime?"

"With you? Just us?"

"Well yeah," he said blushing the worst she had seen him. "As friends of course."

"Well, maybe.... Yeah, I guess, it all depends."

"On what?"

A menacing laughter rose up from somewhere around them. "It depends on whether or not she's alive," a voice said. Mitzi knew that voice and knew that it had to be Juta. As soon as she heard the voice she looked up at the gates to see her standing on top of the closed gates. The sky turned dark quickly as she grinned. Lightning flashed as she smiled again.

"EARTHQUAKE!!!" students screamed as the ground rumbled. When they tried to open the gates they found they were locked and unable to open. All stared up at the woman and some screamed as she floated down to the ground. She walked toward Mitzi as she touched the ground, stopping and standing only a few feet from her.

"Well Mitzi, long time no see."

"What do you want now?!"

"Our legendary battle," she smirked with a mocking bow. She looked up and suddenly lunged at Mitzi, sword drawn. "Or is it that your not able!!!" Mitzi swerved and Juta rebounded, backing her into the tree. "Draw your sword Mitzi. You can battle me with it or your power. Summon it now!!!"

"I will not summon a power. I have none!"

Juta laughed. "Dont try to fool me Mitzi. I know you have that power and I know that it was revived. I felt it as I plunged this very sword into you last living parent."

"You.... no......"

"Yes, that's right. Oh how they screamed as I ruptured their very hearts. The blood, the massacre, how could I forget!"

"How COULD you?!!" Mitzi screamed as she lunged forward toward Juta, being stopped by her sword.

"So, you do still cry. What a pity.....," Juta leaned forward and whispered into her ear. She leaned back with a look of anger on her face. "Your parents would be ashamed that they weren't properly avenged."

In the blink of an eye, Juta went flying over and Asanuma was the force that sent her that way. He glared at her. "I dont know who the hell you think you are but get lost!"

"Foolish boy!!! Want to die next?!"

"Asanuma RUN!!!" Mitzi screamed stepping in front of him.

"I'll fight this stupid woman with you Mitzi. Im not afraid."

"Asanuma, do as I say. You dont know what she can do," Mitzi said. She stopped for a moment and then looked over at Juta with a fateful glance. "I'm the only one that can stop her."

Juta laughed as Asanuma became confused. "Explain it in laymens terms for them Mitzi. I don't believe these people understand you! Tell them your a zephyren just like me!"

"I've had just about enough of you!!!"

A surge of some amazing power rose up from the depths of Mitzi's soul within her. She could feel her body tense as the power rolled through her body and to her fingertips. A glowing stream of light appeared in front of Mitzi. As she grabbed the end of it, the glow flashed away to the tip and transformed itself into a sword.

"And so it begins.....," Juta grinned.

Mitzi glared at her as the sword dissappeared from her hand. "No Juta. This is where it ends." Mitzi lifted her hand as Juta realized what she was going to do. Before Juta could react though, a large blast of water, bigger and with more force than a tsunami, came and hit Juta with full force. She was flung against the wall and fell down afterwards.

Juta struggled to get up. "Damn you Mitzi..... your power is still radical..... but I'm not letting you off so easy..... Live with the horror youve just created."

Mitzi felt weak. Had she used to much of her power? The last thing that she remembered seeing as she fell was Asanuma trying to catch her. What she didnt see was the frightened students who watched the whole thing.

What she didn't hear was those very students, who she had just saved, telling Asanuma to stay away. A zephyr like her should be killed when she was weak. They knew none of those people for they were outcast long ago. Do not notice, look at, go near, or even talk to a zephyr they said. For once you do, you will be forever at their mercy. So they thought.