Down the Unjust Road of Time
-----Three Years Later-----
Mitzi painfully looked at the school gates. It's just another day, she thought. Just another day of what used to be a wondrous
place of freedom for her. No longer. Here she had no rights, no freedoms, and no one in general. All because of that day,
that one battle with Juta. Now they knew her as a Zephryn, a despicable member of that retched race, but she never denied
it. She was one as far as she knew.
Mitzi walked through the gates as she had done for years but now no one was there to meet here at the front. No one wanted
to speak to her, unless of course it was to make a jab at her. Walking through the door, Mitzi knew people eyed her and expected
her to lash out and try to kill them all, as if she was going to. She just walked over to her locker and got her books out
without looking at anyone. Why should she anyway? She didn't want to see their scowls, their hatred. She longed for a friend
among them again, yet she only remained alone.
She walked in her classroom, holding back her pain as she did everyday. She sat in the back corner, where no one noticed
her. Academics never mattered to the teachers now. She wasn't "normal" like the rest of them. No matter what she did she never
got any recognition for what she did. She couldn't even utter a word in her own defense either. No one would let her.
The day just pressed on. She ate lunch outside under a tree and did her homework given out in her morning classes. After
lunch she went to her other classes. Same seat, back in the corner. The closest anyone ever got to her was what a teacher
forced, sitting distance.
After school she sat outside the gates. No one wanted her inside anyway. She didn't participate in any after school activities
anymore. All she could do was sit and wait for the bus that came later. Too long of a wait it seemed. Mitzi looked off down
the road as she sat down and hoped for one brief instant that a man would show up and make the world around her wondrous and
alright again. And then she saw it. There was someone walking her way, the sun shadowing him from identity.
As that person got closer, she realized it was a familiar face, but not one that would save her. Satoshi scowled at her.
He had been one of the first to betray her on that day. He wasn't even there to see it though. "What are you looking at? Plotting
some sort of evil plot you foul wretch?!"
Mitzi lowered her head, sighed, and said plainly without expression, "No."
Satoshi left after that. He'd done his damage. It satisfied people to do that it seemed. She just stood down at the ground
and didn't really pay attention to Satoshi's tagalong behind him. The person stopped in front of her but Mitzi kept her head
down and ignored him, avoiding another tongue lashing. The person continued to stay there.
"Hey Mitzi... It's been a while," said the familiar voice. Mitzi refused to look up because she knew who it was and also
because she could still be slapped for all she knew. "Mitzi, we never have finished our conversation. You don't have to fear
talking to me."
Asanuma kneeled before Mitzi as she looked up slightly at him with a sad smile. "Oh Asanuma. Hasn't everyone told you that
I'm dangerous? Why would you want to finish a conversation with me?"
"Because, everyday for 3 years I've regretted it. Your not dangerous, you never have been."
"Asanuma!!! Get away from her!!! Don't fall into that demon's grasp!!" Satoshi screamed, pulling Asanuma back inside the
gates. "If I didn't know any better I'd say she already has you in her clutches."
Mitzi watched as Asanuma was dragged away. He kept looking back at her as if it would make a difference. She smiled down
inside her heart. He hasn't changed a bit, she thought. That was true, he always tried to talk to her and be a friend but
Satoshi and all sorts of other people just dragged him away once he tried to talk to her.
The last remaining bit of time was slow, but finally the bus did come. Students loaded the bus and sat down, away from
her though. The bus ride as always was tedious, annoying, and where nothing was left unspoken. She stared out the window and
said nothing. She heard all the conversations and comments going on about her but paid it no mind. She just let the world
slip by. Soon another day would be over.