~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Chapter One
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Chapter One:

"Stagnant Water"


She yawned walking down the street. After all, waking up this early was insane to begin with, but she did want to see Onaya before she got to school. It was going to be another day in the life of Mitzi, full of people, activities, boys (though she didnt talk of them), popularity, and sociality in general.

Mitzi grinned as she walked down the street, her long black hair catching the wind every so often. She carried her briefcase-looking bag in front of her as she walked past all the little trinket shops that lined the road, glancing in every other one. Her school uniform, the regular sailor-dress of black and white, was keeping her warm on this cool morning as the sun rose. Only a little further, she thought.

Trinkets of Earthly Wonders was the shop she headed towards, which was just at the end of the street. Onaya, a good friend of the family for years, owned the shop and was well renown for it. Her trinkets, as she called them, would grant any persons wish in which they were bought for. She also sold books, but not many really knew that. As well as her trinkets and books, she was known for having the best coffee and cocoa around. It was good enough to stir the soul and wake the dead inside of someone.

Mitzi pushed open the door. The bell lightly jingled, telling of a person entering. Inside there were various tables and cabinets of odds and ends, crystals and glass. A musty but inviting smell of lily of the valley and jasmine seemed to hang in the air, drawing those who just stood there further into the store as if it were magic. Over at the left of the store was a display case and a table with a woman sitting behind it. The woman was around fifty years of age, possibly younger, but still starting to show signs that she was aging. She wore a light lavender dress of sorts and had her hair tied up. She saw Mitzi and grinned.

"Well hello Mitzi, I was suspecting that you might come this morning," she said. "Tell me child, what gives me the honor of gracing your sweet, young face this morning?"

"Oh Onaya, such flattery will do you no good," Mitzi laughed. She walked over and sat down on the stool in front of the table. "Im just here on the usual. Mother and Father send their greetings. But really Onaya, you need to give yourself some credit. Im young yes, but you talk as though youre ancient."

"Well Im certainly not getting any younger, now am I?"

They both laughed. They constantly would joke of their ages, even back when Mitzi was a little girl. As far as Mitzi could remember back, she always remembered Onaya being there. Mitzi treasured Onaya not just for her friendship, but for the uniqueness of her as well. Not many really knew what to say around Onaya because she was what they deemed abnormal. She was a witch to some religious extremists but whatever she was, she had a certain gift. A gift that allowed her to see things, predict things, and feel things that others could not. She had predicted things so precisely that people had grown to fear her oddity. Mitzi still cared for her like any other person, because that was what she was still even though she was strange.

Onaya placed a cup of steaming cocoa in front of her and smiled. "You most likely will need to get warmed up this early. That air has a chill, were going to get rain soon."

"Were supposed to for the next couple weeks."

"Pah, weather men. What do they know?"

Mitzi and Onaya talked on for a while more. The small heart filled chats that Mitzi always loved. Mitzi, though, didnt really pay attention this morning. Her thoughts were too scattered. She thought of peoples shallowness, their beliefs, their prejudice, their hatred for that they dont understand. Why do they do such terrible things, she wondered. Or is it that I am just being naive?

"Mitzi? What is it that troubles you? Onaya asked as Mitzi finished her cup off."

"Oh, its nothing to worry about. Just little philosophical things."

"Well, youd best quit thinking so hard and look at the time. Its time youd best be going."

Mitzi looked at the clock. Indeed, it was time to leave. Mitzi picked up her bag and wished Onaya well as she headed for the door. Onaya just watched Mitzi walk away. Today, she knew, was the day Mitzi would meet her coming destiny. How it would come to her was a mystery yet, but one thing for sure was that it would come. And change her life forever.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



"Mitzi?! What in the world took you so blastedly long? Ive been waiting out here for a while and you know its cold. The bell is going to ring any minute."

"Oh, sorry. I stopped to talk to a friend of mine on the way over here." She sat down on a ledge by the school gates and fixed her shoe. She checked her watch as she glowered up at Sayori. "You do realize that we have 15 minutes until the bell actually rings."

"Oh well, what does it matter? Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Were getting new students today. A boy and a girl, no relation, but just thought you might want to know considering you get along with new people so well."

"Umm, okay? What else has happened in my 2 second absence?"

Sayori laughed. "Nothing much else really. Ive heard some pretty good stuff on Asanuma though."

"Asanuma? Whos that?"

"You know, Asanuma! That new guy about 4 months ago? Surely you couldnt forget that guy. He was such a doll."

"Wasnt that the blonde one?"

"Yup! See, I told you that you couldnt forget him."

"And what is there not to forget? There is nothing too important about him."

"Well you see, if I heard right, he has a crush on a certain female with long black hair, blue eyes, about your height, name starts with an M....."

"I get the idea, Sayori, but my answer is no. I dont know the guy, and Im certainly not looking for one. Dont give me that suggestive look...."

"But Mitzi, come on! There are a lot of girls that would die to have that kid look their way. I know I would!"

"Sayori, you go after a lot of the guys in this school, so that isnt saying a lot. And by the way, I dont need a guy and you know that. It gives me more of an edge to get out there and meet people."

The first bell rang. Mitzi and Sayori walked in the school and conversed as usual. They walked to their lockers and then to class. Normal routine as always, same as everyday. She went to class, ate lunch with her friends, sang in the choir, did gymnastics, and had her after school practices. As quickly as the day had begun, it was once again over with. She decided to stop by at Onayas again.

Mitzi mingled herself in with the hussle and bustle of the traffic of the city and made her way to the street where the shop was on. As she turned onto the road, she felt a cold presence touch her, but when she turned she saw that nothing was there. Mitzi continued on, unable to shake the strange feeling. She felt it again and sprung around quickly. Still there was nothing. Mitzi stood there for a second as a strange wind blew down the street and tossed her bangs and skirt about. Its just my imagination, she thought. Onayas stories have finally decided to try and scare me.

As Mitzi turned, she saw glass shatter and a body fly out of the window in a helpless heap of limp bones and flesh. On closer examination, she saw that it came from Onayas shop. Mitzi started running towards the shop but then stopped after she had blinked and saw that there was nothing there. No glass, no helpless body, not anything. She stood where she was standing and just froze.

What on earth is happening to me, she thought as she grabbed her head. I need to get to Onaya, shell know whats wrong with me. Mitzi stepped forward but suddenly realized that she couldnt. She was still standing where she was originally. She tried to move again, but was frozen to the spot. She tried to scream out, but only found the wind catch in her throat and nearly choke her.

Then, a cold shiver went down Mitzis back as a hand was rested on the back of her neck. This time Mitzi knew it wasnt her imagination.

"Mitzi? Hey, are you okay?" Sayori said, popping up behind her from nowhere. Mitzi found quickly that she could move and breathe normally again. Nothing was wrong with her now, but it still didnt shake off the strange feeling she had.

"S-Sayori? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well, dont get mad..... I decided to follow you home and plug you for help on my homework. Ive been trying to catch up with you for a while but your so fast and all these crossroads and traffic--"

"Sayori.... you live 3 blocks from school. Why would you follow me home to get homework off of me when you normally call me for it?"

A cold, malicious laughter cam out of Sayori as Mitzi started stepping backward. Sayoris body then began to shift into someone else and Mitzi just watched in horror.

"Whoops, I guess that you blew my cover. Now now, Whats the matter, oh powerful savior of humanity? Really, from the way you look at me, you seem to have some sort of shock. I would have at least expected a challenge out of you!"


"Oh, so you liked my use of that girls face for a disguise? Pretty convincing I must say. No, Im not this Sayori you speak of. I am Juta, Warrior of the Water, just as you are....."

"What are you talking about?"

Suddenly a force knocked Mitzi back against the wall and a sword stabbed the wall. The blade was brought only centimeters away from her neck. Mitzi could only stare panicked into the ice colored eyes of the short, blond haired Juta.

"Wake up to your destiny Mitzi. If you refuse, youll die know by my sword. Juta said glaring at her."

"What are you talking about?!!" Mitzi asked again desperately. She was scared out of her mind and had no where to run. This is where Im going to die, Mitzi thought as the edge touched her neck lightly. Im going to die here, in this unbelievable way.

"Mitzi," Juta growled. "Why do your power still lay within you latent and untouched?! Why are you still sleeping?! Why hasnt she helped you?!"

"And whos place is it for you to say that it was her time?" asked a sweet voice unlike Mitzi had ever heard. A sword was now at the throat of Juta and cam from the hand of a strange and mysterious woman. She wore a gown that gave her a certain glow and enchantment. "Unhand her."

'And why should I? Has my destiny not been to kill her. Why not just put her out now and get it done with?"

"At least, Juta, do it on fair terms. She hasnt been awakened. When she has, thats when your battle begins," the reassuring voice of Onaya replied as she too held a sword to Jutas throat.

Juta eyed them curiously for a minute and debated with herself. Finally, after a tense couple of minutes, Jutas sword disappeared in a flash of light that was absorbed into her palm. "Whos tactics are more unfair. Two people are fighting me," Juta said as she vanished.

Onaya rushed over to Mitzi. "Oh thank goodness your safe," said as she embraced her tightly. Mitzi hugged back, half in shock, half shaken to the core.

"Onaya...... you have ALOT of explaining to do...." Mitzi said as they released one another.

Onaya smiled. "Lets get back to the shop. You can wrap up in a blanket and sip on some cocoa until your nerves settle."