~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Mitzi Music
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Okay, yes i know this is a lil strange but you konw.... I've wanted to make an anime of this for a while.  I think it would be cool and the effects in it would rock if i supervised the whole thing :D..... anyway, What good anime series is any good with out the music?  To help you out in your lil anime festival in your head, i've given you a heads up to what music would be in the background with a lil bit of an explination on what and why that song is chosen.

Mitzi Season One Opener:
Change the World (Very Best Limited Version) - V6
Okay, this is a Jpop song and it's the opener for Inu Yasha.  So sue me. It makes a great opening song.  It kinda plays into the Mitzi storyline a bit and it has a really good beat to it.  I'm just imagining what the opener would be like *starry eyes* It would rock so much......
Mitzi Season One Closer:
Down So Long - Jewel
okay, duh.... no brainer here.  Once again I'm seeing lil images float across my mind with what the closer sequence would have in it and what it would look like. text at the side and images playing on the side..... sweeeeeeet...... Anyway, this song is really good because at the end it goes from being I've been down to a We've been down so you can incorperate both her own sadness in with the sadness and lives of the other girls.  So kudos to this song.... it make a good closer anyway....
Mitzi Season One - Various Songs for the Series:
It's Been A While - Staind ~~ Listen to the lyrics... the majority hit the mark.....
Someone To Watch Over Me - Gershwin ~~ you know if you look at the name you'll get it....
Bring On The Rain - Jo Dee Messina ~~ Yup.... sad song... very good though....
Reflection - Christina Aguilera ~~ Once again... Lyrics.... i'm thinking this song would play well in the part right before she's ready to battle with Juta and she's thinking things over.