~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Chapter Six
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Chapter Six:

As He Observes


"Penny for your thoughts?" Asanuma asked as the walked up to the door to the water shrine only a few days later. She had been silent ever since they had met at the top of the stairs and had a look of despair on her face.

Mitzi sighed. "My destiny is terrible and confusing," she said as she opened the doors, letting light in on the pool. She walked over to the water's edge and ran her fingertips through the water feeling the temperature.

"Why do you say that?" Asanuma asked as he looked at her strangely.

"Asanuma, do you even know what I'm considered to be?" she asked him looking back.

"Well, not really. I know your a zephyr, though I don't understand why zephyrs are so bad...."

"Tell me how you can't understand things that everyone else does?"

"I've never heard of that race of people. I don't know anything about them. You have to remember that I just moved here 3 years ago and I really didnt want to go prying in to find out, but it would be nice to know."

Mitzi sat at the edge of the water and put her feet in the pool. "The zephyrs are an innocent race," she sighed. "They are only discriminated against because they can utilize the power in the world around them. They can manifest actual magic. The people were afraid of them and saw them as a threat to the every day safety, or so they said. In truth, we are not what they think. We are not all evil as we are stereotyped. We dont use our gifts for evil at all. We merely wish to live in harmony with what's around us. Long ago, the people here told the zephyrs they weren't welcome all because someone had used their ability to do terrible deeds. They told them that they should leave immediately, with no pity or shame in their voices. No one could stop them from living here, though, but they would never have the same as those who were 'normal'. But you'd think that they would push away the prejudice of 3 generations ago by now."

Asanuma sat by the wall and looked at her. Mitzi splashed her feet a little in the water before looking up and catching his gaze. She blushed slightly and said, "You can go now if you wish. All I'm going to be doing is playing around with the water."

"Well your gonna need someone to 'spot' you for problems so I think I can take that job."

"Oh, spot for problems in my forms?" Mitzi laughed.

"Yup. You'd best hop to it, we have school tomorrow."

"Okay, okay. Onaya always says that the more I twiddle with my power the more control I'll have."

"Dont you have control over it?"

"Well yes, but it still takes a while to utilize it and get used to it. It still feels new to me even after 3 years of practice. That's why Juta won't really challenge me," Mitzi said sadly. "When I used too much of my power on that day, she couldn't block it. Shes scared to fight, but shes knows I dont have the will to flat out attack her unless she does me first. She toys with me, but now that shes searching for her companions....... I know it won't be long." Mitzi cast her eyes down to the water as a tear fell onto the surface rippling.

Asanuma was sitting up now and had a concerned look on his face. "Mitzi, who exactly is Juta? This woman haunts you...... What is she to you?"

"The Legend of the Four Warriors is our link, Asanuma. I am the decreed Warrior of Water. Juta is as well. As the legend states, In the year of the crimson moon, there will be four nights when all is harmonious and sound. On each of those four nights, two children will be brought into this world, one in light other in darkness. They will be the final judgment for the world. Should the darkness prevail, the world shall end....... There is not talk of the other's victory." Mitzi and Asanuma fell silent for a moment. Finally, Mitzi broke the silence and said, "It seems as though I am on the side which has no future."

Asanuma looked at Mitzi as though he was in shock, "You mean, she's going to try and kill you?"

Mitzi laughed slightly. "Yeah, she is. Irony huh? The world is so against me and all I can do is fight for a world that very world which outcasts me."

Asanuma looked over at Mitzi concerned. "You don't wish to die do you?"

Mitzi looked back at him and almost started to cry. "I don't know anymore. I thought that I once did but I just can't see this world falling because of me. It would be an ultimate betrayal to myself if I let that happen. But then again, it's a very hard thing to fight for those who revile you more than you would have ever wished. But I guess I can have some hope. Onaya has found one of the warriors, but she still refuses to fight." Mitzi sighed heavily. "So who knows whats going to happen......"

Asanuma scooted over to the opposite side of the pool than Mitzi and looked at her with a warm smile. "Show me something."

"What?" Mitzi asked kind of shocked.

"Show me what you do with your magic. I thought it was neat when I first saw it. Show me again."

"Okay," Mitzi said kind of hesitant manner. Mitzi held her hand over the water and it began to come up in a thin strand spiraling about her hand and wrist. As she lifted her hand up, more water came up out of the pool and the water formed into a sphere. She began moving her fingers a little and changed the objects shape into different things ranging from a cat jumping to hat on a mans head. Asanuma just watched and was in awe like a child at a July 4th fireworks show. Mitzi laughed slightly and kept entertaining him. Even with the cold winter my life constantly is in, she thought, I still have a fire to warm my soul. It makes me wonder now. What am I really fighting for?