Chapter 7
Outcast and the Wind
Mitzi walked to her classroom thinking about the many things that weighed in her
mind. Mostly her thoughts settled on Asanuma and she frowned slightly. How foolish he is, she thought to herself. Surely some
one would have told him about the zephyrs and how 'dangerous' they were. She smiled slightly to herself. I guess he just refuses
to listen to people.
The halls were endless but she had no trouble getting through them. Every one naturally
parted and let her through because no one wished to touch her. She was a zephyr after all, and of course they would have nothing
to do with her.
As she rounded the corner to enter her classroom, someone ran into her causing her
to drop her books and everyone to look at her. They both leaned down at the same time, to the amazement of Mitzi, and began
picking up her school books. Why is this person helping me, she wondered. She didnt dare looking up to see who it was but
she could hear the shocked gasps of the people around her as they watched.
"Sorry Mitzi, I was in a rush....." came the familiar and friendly voice of Asanuma.
"Asanuma, not here.... you know you cant talk with me here. Know you place," she
muttered just loud enough for him to hear.
"Well why cant--"
"Why are you speaking to me?" Mitzi said a lot louder and a feigned anger in her
voice. "Dont you see Im not going to go anywhere? At least let me pass one day with out your people's stupidity." She got
up and stared defiantly at an amazed face of Asanuma. "Stop standing up to your fears every chance you get. Youll get hurt
one day."
Suddenly a huge and painful knock hit Mitzi on to her backside, pain welling up in
her cheek. "Stupid wench! How dare you try and curse Asanuma with your nonsense!" the infuriated voice of Satoshi blared in
her ears. She shook off the pain and got to her feet as Asanuma tried to explain himself.
"You boys should be ashamed that you talked to me, shouldnt you? Youve touched
me, go purify yourself before I 'destroy' you all," she sardonically jeered at him, her eyes held in a cold amusement staring
in his eyes.
"Cast your eyes down where they belong!" Satoshi roared.
"My eyes?" she glared. "My eyes have just as much right to look at you as the lowest
animal. You dont control their eyes so why do you wish to control mine?"
Satoshi's fist was clenched in front of him now and was threateningly close to Mitzi.
"When I get my chance, I swear Ill destroy you and your --"
"Destroy me? Thats what your think." Mitzi interrupted with a mocking laugh. "In
destroying me you'll in turn destroy yourself, wont you? Because Ill curse you right?" Mitzi got in Satoshis face and whispered,
"Theres a bounty on my head that is far too valuable and more important than you know. Youd best leave me be before I really
do some damage."
When Satoshi gave no response, Mitzi pushed her way past him and Asanuma and into
the classroom, the entire hallway of students staring. She made her way back to her seat, her heart thudding in her chest
the hardest it ever had. What just came over me, she asked herself. Does it really matter though? Out of site, out of mind.
Im sure Asanuma will understand, but is he really that foolish? Has he forgotten everything that people think? Mitzi slowly
tried to get back her normal rhythm of the day, which was already thrown off, by pulling out her textbook and starting on
the next assignment. Whats next, she wondered.
The bell rang not to long afterward and people filed in the door. Everyone made their
way to their seat, glancing back at the zephyr in the corner, detached from everyone else. Mitzi felt their gazes and ignored
them. Suddenly Mitzi felt a gaze on her that wouldnt go away and peered up to the front of the room to see a childish-looking,
pig-tailed girl staring back at her with a bright, warm, and welcoming smile. Mitzi made a motion towards herself questioningly
and she nodded. Mitzi smiled back and went back to her book. A new student no doubt, Mitzi thought.
'Howd you guess? 'she heard in her head. Mitzis eyes shot up and looked at the girl
again who was talking with the teacher. She looked about her but no one had said anything to her as usual.
"Students, we have a new student that I would like you all to meet," the teacher
announced, standing in the front of the classroom.
The new girl stepped forward blushed slightly. "Hi, my name is Hitomi. Im 16 and
interested in a variety of different things. If you have any questions, Ill be more than willing to answer them."
After the class gave no response, the teacher touched Hitomis shoulder kindly. "Where
would you wish to sit Hitomi?"
Hitomi looked back at Mitzi again and smiled before replying, "Well, Ill take that
seat back in the back."
"Are you certain? There are plenty of seats. Im sure an intelligent and well-rounded
individual as yourself would want to sit near the front...." the teacher replied sort of horrified.
"No thanks," Hitomi said as she made her way to the back. "I'll do better in back
actually. Ill be able to see everything better. "
Before the teacher could say other wise, Hitomi took a seat next to Mitzi. Mitzi
looked over at her and with a shocked glance and watched her as she situated herself in the seat next to her. Soon she glanced
up and smiled again brightly saying simply, "Hi..."
"Uh.... hi...." she whispered as the teacher began her lesson. "Sorry if Im not bursting
with conversation, but why are you sitting here?"
"Well Mitzi, that is your name isnt it?" Mitzi nodded. "To simply put it, Im finally
ready to withstand the battles ahead of me that have been foreseen by--"
"Wait a minute..... what?"
"Oh please, this isnt the time to tell me you dont have a clue what Im talking about.
You are the one of Water are you not? The legendary warrior?"
Mitzi face brightened. "Yes! I am! And your--"
"Well its nice to see you two have made such good friends," the teacher interrupted
bitterly. "Now, I would advise the both of you to listen, even though you probably already know this material with your stupid
The teacher turned and, to the surprise of Mitzi, Hitomi glared at her. 'Who is she
calling a heretic?' she heard in her head. Hitomi grinned at Mitzi. 'What? Never used telepathy? If you think something, I
should be able to understand it.'
'Did you do that earlier too?'
'I was concentrating on your vibes to see if you were you or not.'
'So your one of the warriors?'
'Yup. Hitomi, Warrior of the Air at your service.'
'I think weve established your name.' Mitzi giggle slightly. Mitzi smiled as the
exchanged thoughts more and for once was happy in a place which had always brought her nothing but pain and exile. It was
an empty happiness though because Mitzi wasnt sure whether or not she was a fellow warrior or not. Only time could tell.
Class ended and the next class went on as usual, except with the addition of Hitomi.
For once, Mitzi had someone to talk to, and someone who would talk back to her. She was an equal with somebody. Something
she had not had for a long time. Asanuma talked with her, but he wasnt like her. He wasnt a zephyr like Hitomi.
At lunch they sat out under the tree in the courtyard, Mitzi usual spot. Mitzi was
sitting quietly eating her lunch of a sandwich and whatnot, while Hitomi porked out on everything she had while sitting next
to her. When they were finished, they sat and talked of random things until the bell rang and the familiar face of Asanuma
approached them.
"Hey Mitzi... Asanuma said a little shyer than normal."
"Hi!!!" Hitomi blurted out with a big smile and with excitement. Asanuma ignored
her and looked over at Mitzi who slowly turned away, leaving him crushed again.
"Mitzi? Whats gotten into you today?..... Why are you turning away from a friend?"
"Asanuma," she replied still turned. "Have you forgotten everything that has happened?
Everything we have agreed to? I do not know you here. I know you at the shrine, where we are in private. Leave now before
you jeopardize your other friendships."
"But Mitzi--"
"Leave! Now!"
Asanuma stared hopelessly at her for a few more moments before turning and leaving
with a heavy and painful sigh. Mitzi turned back after he had taken a few steps away and watched him with a aching gaze. Hitomi
looked at the two of them and sighed.
"And why didnt you let him stay?"
"Havent you noticed something here? This town doesnt exactly love our kind too much."
"But obviously he doesnt mind. As much as he likes you youd think hed get people
to see that."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh nothing...." Hitomi said exasperated grabbing the bridge of her nose as if she
had a head ache.
"You think Asanuma likes me?" Mitzi laughed out slightly. "Honestly, the thought
is ridiculous. Im a zephyr and hes a mere normal human who should hate me for what I am."
"Why is that such a ridiculous thought? You yourself wish for it just as much as
he does."
"Why are you making such a big deal about this? Im a zephyr. Thats how the story
ends. 3 years ago, when I was normal, something may of happened, but its impossible now."
"You wont give it a chance at all?"
"He's a friend when I need one in this world." Mitzi got to her feet. "As a friend,
Ill protect him the only way I know I can. And if that hurts him, then so be it." She walked in the school and headed for
her next class. Hitomi trailing along at her heels with a million questions.