~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Chapter Eight
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Chapter Eight:

Asanumas Confession

Mitzi stopped climbing up the steps and turned towards Hitomi. "Wait.... Onaya is expecting you?"

Hitomi bounded up the stairs with boundless energy which caused an exhausted Mitzi to gape at her. "Yup! Im staying here. My parents said that its time that I go fulfill my destiny now that I've fully recognized my powers and have worked hard at training them. My parents helped me of course, being zephyrs. Theyre pretty good but I've got so much more... whats the word.... potential? Productivity? I dont know but I can do so much more than what they can."

"Ah, I see. Well thats nice, but where are you things?"

"Their already up there. They were brought up this morning after I left. My parents dropped everything off and wished me well and left me here."

"How far away do you live?"

"Other side of the country."

Mitzi gaped. "So this means your going to be staying here for a long time?"

"Yeah, basically."

Oh man, Onaya has partnered me with a girl that has TOO much energy. Ill never live, Mitzi thought to herself.

Hitomi turned her head quickly with a little bit of a scowl on her face. "Hey, I heard that. You seem to forget Im telepathic."


"Anyway, like I was saying, Ive trained since I was awakened which was sometime around the age of eight. Ive done basics up till last year. Thats when I started doing High Magic. How far have you gotten?"

"Umm, well... never mind that. Hitomi, answer me one question....."


"Are you always this happy and cheerful?"

"Basically. Why?"

"Just a random question."

"Oh, anything else?"

"Yeah," Mitzi replied as she put down her bag. "One last thing."

Hitomi perked up a bit and smiled especially excitedly towards Mitzi. "Shoot."

A bright flash shone from Mitzis hand as she held it out. As the light subsided, a sword was being held at the neck of Hitomi, the blade just centimeters away from her neck. "Show me proof your my fellow warrior."

Hitomis smile faded from her face and turned very grave. "I can do that, but if you wouldnt mind.... take this sword away from my neck." Mitzi didnt lower it an inch. Hitomi gave a nervous smile. "Please?" Mitzi lowered the sword slightly but still held it at an attentive position to be safe. Hitomi reached into her shirt and pulled out a necklace with a single ring on it. It was small but Mitzi recognized it immediately as one of the rings given to the chosen warriors. Hitomi then produced a sword out of no where and knocked Mitzi sword to the side with a quick motion, giving a quirky smile. "Tag...... your it."

Mitzi smiled and let her sword vanish from her hand.

"Well Im glad to see that ended peaceably. Mitzi has to be deadly serious like this constantly," Onaya said shooting Mitzi a warm and humorous glance. Mitzi laughed slightly and grinned at Onaya.

"Onaya!!!" Hitomi squealed as she ran over and hugged her tightly. Onaya hugged back and smiled at Hitomi, patting her on top of her head between her pigtails.

"Indeed it has been a long time since Ive seen you. My how youve grown. Have you been well?"

"You know it."

"Onaya, not to interrupt," Mitzi said abruptly as she picked up her things. "When should I expect dinner to be ready?"

"In a few hours dear. Shall I send Hitomi for you at the shrine?"

"Umm... no... Im going to go and rest at the spring. It has been a very interesting and tiring day."

Onaya laughed. "I can imagine.... Go on."

Mitzi smiled and bounded up the last couple of steps. "See you at dinner."

When Mitzi had gone out of site, Hitomi turned to Onaya. "Whats gotten into her all of a sudden?"

Onaya chuckled softly and wrapped her arm around her shoulders and hugged her to her again. "Who knows? But I bet your hungry."

Hitomis face brightened. "Oh you wouldnt believe."

"Lets go get something then. Okay?"

"Sure!" Hitomi exclaimed as the began their ascent up the stairs themselves. "Hey! Wait a minute!" She exclaimed after a couple minutes. "What did Mitzi mean by interesting anyway?"


Mitzi smiled a bit as she looked out over the spring and slipped her foot out of her shoe. She slid her toe through the warm spring water and proceeded to undress herself. When she had finished she slid slowly into the water and submerged herself, leaving her head resting on a small rock at the side of the pool. She slowly slipped away into a relaxed state, listening to the small waterfall trickling in the background.


"Hey I know you! Your that boy from lunch," Mitzi said pointing at the boy that stood in front of her. Asanuma, a bit taken aback by the suddenness of Hitomi, grinned slightly, unsure of what to say.

"Yeah.... thats me."

"Let me guess... your looking for Mitzi?"

"Yes I am and --"

"I wouldnt bother her right now, Asanuma," Hitomi interrupted.

"Hitomi, was it?"


"Well.... I really need to talk to her. About certain things.... you can understand right?"

"Well.... cant this wait till tomorrow?"

"Not really. Please Hitomi.... just tell me where she is...."

"Shes at the hot spring Asanuma," Onaya interjected. Asanuma smiled in thanks. "Follow the path that branches off the west route." Asanuma ran down the path to the west immediately.

"Why did you tell him that?!" Hitomi screamed after he had left. "Dont you realize whats going on with him and her?"

Onaya grinned. "I know a little more than what you think little one. When a heart is crying for an answer you dont hold it back. Especially when it means to confess."

"So I am right. Mitzis just being stubborn."

Onaya laughed. "Yes, but how fate plays and what Mitzi wishes are in this too. Just sit back and watch the future unfold instead of always trying to predict it."



It was far away but she heard the voice ringing in her head. She felt the soft brushes on her skin very lightly. Slowly she let herself slip into consciousness and opened her eyes. Looking down at her were soft, blue eyes filled with warmth and compassion. She realized it was Asanuma and started to say something, but stopped. She stared into his deep eyes and wondered for a while.

"Why did you do that today?" Asanuma asked with much pain in his voice.

"Asanuma," she replied with a slight twinge of disappointment in her voice. "Im protecting you. I dont want to see you get hurt by your friends. The world is blind, but it certainly can tell if things are happening."

"Mitzi, why cant I just talk to you? Ill ignore the world, and Ill be fine with it. Whats so wrong with that?"

"Asanuma I would never ask you to do such a thing. I am what they fear and what they will see when they see you if you do that. Im a mask you would wear and the only thing they would ever see in you. Youll ruin your happiness and I dont want that."

"Dont you see I dont care?! Cant you see it? I dont care what Satoshi thinks. I dont care what Sayori says. I dont! All I really care about is you."

Mitzi blushed slightly as she remembered what Hitomi had told her earlier. No, she told herself. Hitomi has to be wrong. Im not able to have that sort of emotion from anyone. Not with what I am. Why do I doubt even that though? Why am I starting to believe different things than what I tell myself?

"Asanuma, trust me okay?" she said as she began to swim out to the center of the spring. Before she could really go anywhere, Asanuma grabbed her arm. "Asanuma stop this!"

"Mitzi dont just blow me off like you dont care."

"But why does all this mean so much to you? I dont understand you and you dont understand me. I dont want you to sacrifice your happiness for me. Why do you wish to?"

"Because I want to. I want to talk and be around someone who I can enjoy being around, someone who intrigues me. Some who I can care about and want to get to know."

"But why me? All I will do is bring you pain. What have I done that makes you desire that?"

"Youve stayed true to yourself. The pain of losing your parents hasnt really changed you too much. I understand that for whatever this reason they hate you is not because of anything to really do with you. Your the first thing here in this place thats held my interest. I got to know you before all of this happened, didnt I? Whats so different about you now than back then?"

"Asanuma..... I... I dont know. I just dont think its good for you to jeopardize yourself so. Your in danger around me. In danger of more than just a couple of bruises. Jute could kill you."

"So be it. I wont let her kill me. I can fight too."

"No you cant.... not like this.... and I wouldnt want you to!" She cried as the tears fell down her cheeks. "Your just being ignorant. She will kill you if your not careful."

Asanuma brought his hand up to her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Im not being ignorant. I just wont let anything happen to you if I can help it." He bent down and kissed her.

Mitzis thoughts swirled and fell apart. She didnt know what to say or to think. When he pulled away she just looked at him before stuttering out, "A... A-Asanuma....."

"Please.... dont say anything. I know my boundaries but I cant help if Ive fallen in love with you. I know you dont want me to and I know youll be angry but.... I just do. I know your not what they say you are. I can assure you that much. I know you have not done anything to make me feel this way because before all that happened, I felt this way."

Mitzi brought her hand up to his. "I dont know what to say or do. I desire your comfort but I dont want to endanger you. I just dont understand how you could though?"

"Ive held it back for a long time. Just dont turn away from me again like you did today though. I felt like nothing I did mattered to you."

"But you must understand --"

"I understand. Just be careful yourself. Dont go getting in terrible trouble just for your destiny. Cause I'm going to change it."

Mitzi smiled. "Asanuma....." She shook her head. "Get me a towel so I can get out of here."Asanuma laughed and tossed her one, then left so she could change.

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