~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Gundam Wing Fanfiction
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Rated R -- has a few "adult oriented" scenes and ideas.  Also has crude language and much violence

Overview:  Takes place a year after Endless Waltz, two years after series.  The beginning 5 chapters move a little fast and we cover alot of time in the series.  Chapter 5 skips 2 years and mentions the battle.  The majority of this story takes place in AC 197 but was written as such to give you a glimpse of thier pasts.


Want a taste? Highlight Below......
"God....had nothing to do with this general."  She paused looking around her at the debris of bloody bodies. "Lovely isn't it?"  Sin indicated looking around at the ground, finally she looked up smiling brightly like a child at Christmas, her white teeth shinning against the dark stain of blood.  "Do you believe in Angels?"  she whispered almost like she was sharing a secret with him.
"Oh....God, protect me?"
"Wasn't it you who said, General, that there is no God or justice, only us?"  She smirked taking graceful steps towards him.  "My mother always called me Angel, shall I show you my wings?"
