~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
GWChapter One
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Chapter One

Fear was the physical barrier that held a human down.  Fear was an emotion that was unneeded in the heat of the battle.  All it managed to do was complicate all that it was around.  To the blonde headed young girl standing in the darkened alley way it was a symbol of weakness, almost like a parasite that you could see.  Spreading its fatal disease.  Slowly, silently sneaking up upon its prey and then quickly like a snake striking.  It was sometimes slow without a care in the world, other times it hit hard and fast with no time to breath afterwards because of its ferocity.  
And she saw; and watched it with a critical eye, and felt nothing for those who the Fear took over, devoured.  They were weak.  They wouldn't have survived in the present reality anyway, most likely.  The drugs plus other minor indulgences would only work for so long before it ate away at what was left of you.  If oz didn't rip away what dignity and courage you had left of course, the drugs and the starving did. Life would rip away at you layer at a time destroying you, making you hard shelled and hateful.  Life had already struck its viciousness towards Sin, she absorbed it and grew harder.  She had
a mission in life, she would not fail due to the insignificant thing such as life. If she was going to die she'd on her own terms.
War was all around the young girl who was now eleven years old now and hadn't seen a day of peace since she was born.   She went by the name of Sin Masters.  It was in every sound, every breath,  every scrap of food she managed to scrounge.  It was almost like the stench of blood and fear saturated the air.  Yet, most people would be terrified, angry, sad, at the thought of war.  For with war, comes great pain in whichever form you choose.
Sin Masters sat back and watched it with intelligent green eyes.  She was silent, stealthy, almost as though she was caught into her own little world. A world of bitter ice and shadows.  But, she wasn't, wide awake and watchful, learning and taking in everything that she could.  Everything that could help her succeed.

/A good solider always knows their surroundings..../

Yes, she was a good solider, a dedicated solider.  She did not question her orders, did not question the morality and values behind those decisions. Causalities were nothing but a number to be counted and recorded, faces were blank and empty.  Faces did not matter if one didn't care about them. She had learned that long ago, when many friends had died, for no reason. She didn't even think about what she was doing.  She was acting upon the desires of those that were her superiors.  She was a solider, a tool to achieve peace in the colonies.  As long as the task was complete the means didn't

/ A good solider will use any means and do all that they must do to succeed in their goal....failure is not an option..../

Yes she would be a great soldier, her mother had seen to that. Teaching her everything that she had known, enlisting the help of other criminals and mercenaries in the L-10 colony to help her.  The training had been vigorous, sometimes painful.  But she had learned a lesson, and she had learnt it well.  Sometimes when she thought back to the past she knew that her mother had never been cold and calculating as she was now in her older years.  But the years of endless starving and death took the hope out of a lot
of people.  Replacing the hope came the familiar face of bitterness and hate, consuming some that they went mad.  She hated and felt bitter....she couldn't remember ever not feeling that.  A lot of suffering had passed, locked within her deep green eyes, suffering that she would not forget, ever.

/Never underestimate your enemy by appearances, just because they are weak does not mean they are not deadly/

Appearances were deceiving.  To most peoples eyes she would be looked upon as innocent and loving, but she knew that she was not like normal people. She knew that she didn't care, of course, to a certain degree she did, but really-not much.  Growing up on a hardened prison colony tended to have that effect on a person.  Sin knew that once she had escaped L-10 she would be free, and she would destroy Oz.  She would never rest until she did.  For she had sworn to her mother as she died, that she would revenge her, revenge all of the torment and suffering that they had caused.

/Remember emotions are a distraction, a lead to your destruction. Guard them well, for a good solder does not let them rule him./

Sin knew as she stood on the surface of L-10, watching Oz trainees battling in space above her, she knew that her destiny was out there.  She knew that she would be a solder, would fight and kill.  She knew that she would make a difference, for good or bad.....it didn't matter.  Her goal was to change what had happened and she would.  

/ A good solder, in the face of defeat, will never give up.  Will never surrender./

Slowly she made her way down the alleyways towards the Oz base, it was time to leave the only home that she had known as a child.  A place where she had never felt safe, but comfortable knowing what her limits were.  Now, though, she was tired of her limits.  She wanted to break them, and the only place to do that would be in space.  So, with a determined scowl set upon her face she set off briskly to the shuttle port.  She would be leaving, and she would, never, come back.  She had a destiny to follow, and indeed she would.

"No matter how much blood it takes to do it either...."  Sin whispered softly sticking like glue to the shadows, pulling them around her like a cloak. Slowly a cold satisfied smile spread across her face and she chuckled.  She would not fail.