It was storming on the colony L-10. The wind was howling, blowing fiercely throughout
the abandoned dirty streets and buildings. Trash and small objects whipped around the dull gray buildings, on the way
getting lodged in cracks and small crevices on brown sidewalks. Rain came down in thick sheets creating massive puddles
in the darkened alleys and run down apartments.
The scrawny, half-starved inhabitants huddled together in the available dry space,
trying to create the extra warmth that just never seemed to come. All previous quarrels and misunderstandings were forgotten,
replaced by the need to comfort one another. There were all on the same side now, things behind them faded into distant
painful memories. Of warm houses, loving families, available warmth and food; all things that they had taken advantage
of, now, floating in the pool of memories that they were sure they'd never see again. Most of the inhabitants on the
prison colony had already figured themselves dead, it was only a matter of time. Many people had stories there. Stories
of underground resistance fighting, bombings, assassinations...all directed against Oz. All imprisoned on L-10. Many
children were born there, died there, and just existed there. Never having the chance to know anything else, like human compassion,
safety. But aside from all the desolation some did hold on to the semi bitter hope that they would be free. On
such women had a little daughter, who would change everything...
A small girl around
the tender age of six was huddled tightly against her mothers chest. She was afraid of the dark, and there had been
no power for weeks now. The thunder cracked and she jumped listening fearfully as the half crumbled building above them
creaked and groaned with the strain. Ever since she could remember there had always been terrible storms on the colony, due
to Oz never regulating the weather controllers. Whimpering softly like a whipped puppy she buried her messy dirty blonde
head and squeezed wide emerald eyes shut tightly. But even so she couldn't stop the think pearly tears that continued
to stream down dirty cheeks, leaving streak marks in there wake.
The little girl,
who was called Sin Masters, opened her eyes wide as she heard a noise in the dark. She was still and quiet, listening
hard for the sound again. When she did she shuddered at the tiny toenails that pitter-pattered over the stone floor.
"Mother....when will it all stop?" She whispered softly, afraid
to raise her voice any louder for fear of being heard. By what she wasn't quite sure, but there was always fear living
in a prison colony. Not everyone there were resistance fighters, some had been ruthless killers. Fear was everywhere
and she had learned not to attract it.
"I do not know Sin." A calm, warm, voice trickled into her
ear gently, blowing stray hairs against her cheek. The woman, called Kyris, had once been a political leader for the
colonies, she had always stood proudly by her husband, until he had died. Her voice had read many speeches in its time,
worn and smooth like an old rock, solid, and powerful. It had offered support, courage to stand up for what was
it offered was comfort, protection from the frantic world outside.
Kyris pulled her daughter closer to her body, the way a mother
would in natural instincts. The way a mother would do anything to protect their child. She held Sin in a way that a
person would be held when hope was extremely dim. It was desperate.
"I'm really hungry mommy...when are they going to be delivering
our food?" Sin whispered clutching her growling stomach in embarrassment. She knew that nothing could
have been done at the moment, but, she was only six years old and as far as she could have remembered they had all had food.
Meager meals they had been, but it still had been food. Now it had been at
least a week and half and still no signs
of shuttles landing. Many had already died of starvation....many more would follow if something wasn't done. "I know
sweetie, everyone is hungry....but, we have to wait. There is nothing to be done." Kyris sighed, identical
green eyes like Sin's blinking back tears and filling with the familiar bitterness and sadness. She was now turning
thirty-six, having been there for only six years. It seemed as though time had taken forever...and in all of the years
nothing as drastic as this had ever happened. Oz had always sent food and supplies, they may not have been the top quality
of supplies but it had been nourishment. It had been life.
"But why?" Sin questioned confused. She
didn't understand why Oz wasn't sending shuttles with supplies. She couldn't help but wonder if this was some form of
punishment designed to make them suffer even worse then they already were.
"The colonies refuse to cooperate. On some level it is personal
against us, but mainly it is to break us down and show that nothing will save us."
"But....why do they hate us so much mommy? What did we do
for them to be so....mean?" In Sin's youthful wisdom she knew not hate, greed, revenge. Despite the hopelessness
and the surroundings Kyris had managed to instill love and caring in her little angel. Hoping that she would stay that
way a little longer, that her innocence would still be in tact. Kyris shut her eyes knowing that she should tell her little
angel the reasons, that there really was no reason to actions. That some people didn't need to have a purpose to be
cruel. The wind blew more forcefully whipping her black hair into her face. No, she wouldn't tell her little angel
quite yet, purity deserved to be preserved no matter what the cost but she would have to tell her something.
"Sometimes, Sin, there really isn't a reason. Sometimes....people
are just cruel."
"I don't understand mommy?" Sin whispered still confused and
feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why would people be so cruel? What if everybody was like that?
A feeling that would be described as anger filled the little spot in her stomach starting to grow. It was all
"I know sweetie, but you will. But.....not yet....stay my little
angel for a while longer." Kyris whispered gently rocking Sin back and forth listening as her little angel's breathing
"All right.....mommy." Sin replied with a yawn
listening to the thunder and not feeling so afraid anymore. Suddenly she felt a little older, a little less scared of
the things that she couldn't see. "I'll be your angel."