~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
GWChapter Two
Angel's Front.....
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Chapter Two

She was frozen, motionless on the hard metal surface.  Above her artificial lights flickered on and off, casting translucent and only half finished images to flash quickly before her eyes as they fluttered.  Her muscles twitched, tensing and relaxing repeatedly.  She struggled to remember what.....what -anything- was, but all that she could remember and hear was haze.  Bright white haze, closing, pushing her down. She moved against it but only ended up falling deeper.  She blinked.  Sin gave a violent shudder as her arms and legs twisted and writhed to get away.  To the common observer she appeared as though she was in pain, but in actuality she felt nothing but emptiness.  A void where she knew, vaguely, that something should be placed there, but what of she wasn't sure.

~Where am I?  What is this place?~

Fragmented thoughts jumbled, sloshed around her mind only letting her form that one coherent notion.  She fought more, the freedom from the thick haze too tempting, too irresistible to give up.  Mockingly it covered her pushing her back down, laughing at her attempts, prodding her to continue and knowing that she couldn't.

~The voices....who are they?~

Sin blinked once more wetting her dark green eyes.  She struggled to listen, to decipher the mumble of what the voices were saying.  But everything was mixing together.  Past and present fusing and becoming indistinguishable.


** "Well look what we have here....a little stowaway.  You know what Oz does to stowaways don't you little girl?"  A younger version of herself stood straight and defiant in front of an extremely large man.  She glared deciding that she wasn't going to be pushed around. "Boss, she's only eleven.  What are we gonna do with a eleven year old?"

"I know of a few things that we could use her for."  Another man leered squeezing her bottom painfully. Sin blinked once trying not to indicate her feelings either way.
"Yes....perhaps we could use her for.....other activities."**
<//End Flashback//>>

The girl jerked back to attention as different male voices spoke next to her, louder and clearer then before.  She focused all her efforts on listening noticing that they spoke differently from the men that she had just heard.  

"Will she be sufficient in the further testing that we have planned for her, Doctor?"  A deep voice rumbled.  She could hear the impatient and unamused undertones in it.

Sin listened wondering if she knew them.  Or, if they knew her.  Sin opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out except a small gurgle.  Her tongue felt thick and large, almost like it was far to big to be in there.  She breathed deeply, her small chest rising and falling repeatedly.  

"I believe so, yes.  She has not rejected the implant and the operation went far more smoothly then we could have anticipated.  She has been most successful where the other..."candidates" failed.  Her physical body has been altered to the qualifications that you wanted.  After she regains the initial physical and neurological responses, we expect she should progress promptly. Its quite remarkable considering that she's only 13 years old."
"Mentally, Doctor?"
"Mentally she ready for manipulation.  I would say in two to three weeks minimum she would be ready for her "sessions"."
"Could it be any sooner, time -is- of the essence."
"I wouldn't push it, General.  She is fragile, for we know not all that could happen or if complications will, or, would arise.  Two or three weeks is already pushing it, any less of time would result in her degeneration.  I need to keep a close eye on her for observations.  She needs to heal.  It most certainly isn't everyday when a person has a complete neurological replacement.  It is as you could say, a touch and go situation."
"I understand, Doctor.  I -do- expect her to receive the very best treatment and care.  This.....situation....is of most top security and furtiveness.  If this information were to say-leak- out.  Many, individuals would be very.....displeased."
"Of course, sir.  I....understand."
"Good, make sure you do."

~What is going on?~

Sin twitched once again and her mind told her to panic knowing that something was seriously wrong.  But the thought was shut down, fizzling into dark sparks as yet other memories appeared in her mind.


**Sin glared at the group before her, wishing that she had a gun or possibly a knife to kill the bastards.  Sighing she looked at the leader dispassionately wondering what he wanted.  It had been three weeks since her capture by rebel mercenaries and they had left her alone so far.  Now, she was curious as to why she was being called upon.
"To be one of us you can't hesitate in killing.  To be one of us we have to learn to trust you unconditionally.  Now, we are going to give you the chance to become one of us... a mercenary.  Are you afraid?"  The large man sneered.

Sin watched him, trying to judge his motives.  "I am not afraid."  She answered calmly her voice monotone.  She knew that to fear would mean certain death.  She had to play by their rules, for the time being.
"Good.  Now Kill these two Oz soldiers."  The man replied handing her a gun. Taking it Sin held it up closing one eye and aimed it at the first soldiers head.  Without so much as a flinch she pulled the trigger watching as crimson blood splattered the wall behind the fallen man.  Then she moved the gun to the left and pulled the trigger.  For some reason she found herself fascinated by the dark liquid that was running across the floor and found she couldn't help the satisfied grin that spread across her face.
"Good.  Very Good."**

<<//End Flashback//>>

Sin came awake as she felt cold rough hands on her arms then the feelings flickered away and all she felt was a persistent tingle throughout her body. But those thoughts left when the voice resumed talking.  Sin forced herself to concentrate on her surroundings and tried to move her fingers.  They moved a tiny bit and she relaxed knowing that she wasn't completely paralyzed.  Relaxing she let herself go limp once more content with the fact that soon she would be all right and able to move once again.
"By the way, Doctor, what are the side effects after the procedure."
"I could go into a complicated explanation, but, to sum it up.  Her eye sight, sense of touch and hearing is mostly gone.  She is completely and totally numb.  It is only temporary though , and will disappear in time."
"Good, it would be unfortunate to have to exterminate another test subject."
"Yes, sir."
"Then continue with her treatment doctor, I would hate to delay her recovery.  I will return at the end of three weeks.  I expect her to be fully operational with no side effects."
"Yes Sir!"

After that Sin felt everything starting to go fuzzy around her, and found that she had shut her eyes without any knowledge of doing so.  Slowly everything dimmed until she was suspended between deep sleep and being awake.


**   "Ya think that ya fuckin' hot shit don't ya, ya little bitch?!"
Sin continued checking her gun silently and chose to ignore the man that was shouting at her.
"Well let me tell ya what, Ya ain't nothin'!  So don't get all thou is holi'ah than us and get us fuckin' caught."
"Don't worry about it, I'm not going to get us caught.  But if you don't shut up then your loud mouth will."  Sin replied glaring up at the ugliest man she ever saw.
"Just because we let ya live these eight fuckin' months don't mean shit! If ya fuck it up, we'll fuck you up."

Smirking Sin leaned back in the chair crossing her legs.  "I'm so scared, Drake, I'm petrified."  She chuckled listening to the others that were also laughing at Drake.
"An unidentified shuttle is approaching and is already armed.  Everyone grab a flight suit its gonna....."  The pilots voice shouted through the intercom only to fizzle as the ship fired throwing everyone all over the place. Sin having quick reflexes was already half dressed in her flight suit while the others were struggling to stand.  Another shot was fired at the ship when she snapped her helmet shut with a hiss breathing in the oxygen. Two more shots were fired and she was thrown backwards hitting the metal
wall hard.  Her helmet cracked from the impact and she felt herself falling into the darkness beneath her.  She knew that she would be captured by the enemy....she just wasn't sure who the enemy was.**

<<//End Flashback//>>

She struggled against the haziness that flowed through her mind as she rested.  She wanted to be up and doing something, but her paralysis prevented her from even really thinking full coherent thoughts.  She was trapped within her world of fog.  Slowly, to her disgust, she gave in and let everything come at its own pace.  Becoming far to tired to resist its gentle pull.


**  Sin Masters awoke to find that she was the only one in a small crunched cell.  She lifted her head wincing at the amount of pain that ran through her body from even the slightest movement.  Groaning softly she pushed herself up wondering where in the hell she was and if she was a prisoner of Oz.

"I wouldn't move around to much, you still have a minor concussion and a few bruised ribs."  A voice called from the darkness.
Turning she stumbled barely catching herself in time from falling.  She leaned heavily against the wall closing her eyes as waves of dizziness spread over her.  Gritting her teeth she looked around and couldn't find the source of the voice.  Looking up she saw a small camera mounted onto the wall and she snorted wondering who in the hell was talking to her.
"Who in the hell are you and where in the hell am I?"  She asked, growling out of frustration of being a prisoner, yet again.
"You don't need to know either of those answers right now.  You'll be here for a long while yet and in time we will let you know. But since I figure that you are curious by nature, I am a scientist and my associates and I are conducting research.  Now I suggest you lie down and rest before I send someone down to tranquilize you."
Sin raised an eyebrow in slight  surprise.  "Oh great...what have I gotten myself into now?"  she muttered as she carefully placed herself onto the lumpy mattress.  She closed her eyes wondering where she was and if she was in a good place.

~*4 months later.....*~
Sin paced around her tiny cell feeling the need to break something. She was sick and tired of being held prisoner and she wanted some answers. It had been at least four months and all she new that she was now part of the "research" that a group of scientist were conducting.  She really didn't like the idea of being a pin cushion but there really wasn't a lot she could do considering that her cell she was in was lined in Gundanium.
"Well whoever these people are they have serious problems."  She murmured as she sent another well aimed kick to the door only to make the dent deeper.  Growling in frustration she continued pacing.  Suddenly the whole room started to shake and she pressed up against the wall to steady herself.  "Now what in the hell is going on?"  she cried exasperated.
Standing in the corner of the room she heard gunshots and distant yells.  Rolling her eyes at yet another attack that she had been through she leaned back and waited for whoever it was that time to come and get her. Suddenly the door burst open and in walked a soldier....an Oz soldier dragging behind him one of the head scientists who was splattered in blood.
"Is this the test subject?"  he asked grabbing the old man by the collar of his shirt.
"Y-y-yes she is."  the scientist stammered scared out of his mind.
"Who the fuck are you?"  Sin demanded as she took a step forward. But her question wasn't answered as someone leveled a tranquilizer gun and fired a shot.  She instantly fell to the ground loosing conciousness.**

<<//End Flashback//>>

Sin awoke once more as she felt a presence near her.  She tried to move away from the person but she couldn't quite get a grasp on her motor skills yet.  She paused as she hear a soothing voice in her ear. "Relax, its just medicine to help you sleep.  It won't hurt you."
Relenting she let her eyes slid shut and more images sprung from the recesses of her brain.


**She coughed feeling blood trickle out of the corner of her mouth. Flexing she looked up through the different hazes of pain she was in to look into the Oz soldiers faces, the ones that had actually gotten lucky and caught her.   One solider eyed her maliciously licking his lips and she glared keeping perfectly still. That way they wouldn't have a reason to hit her again.
"What is your name?"  a man asked her for what appeared to be the millionth time.
Leaning back into her chair she looked straight ahead refusing to answer and knowing that their patience was growing thin, as was hers.
Sin lurched backwards as she was once again backhanded, sending her and the chair that she was tied to crashing to the floor.  Wincing as the tight ropes dug into her wrist she bit her lip to kept from crying out from the pain that was spreading through her body.  She didn't know how much longer she would last, and apparently they knew that to.
"I won't ask you again what is your name?"
Sin chuckled softly in her throat trying to hold it back but finding that she failed as it came out full force.
"What the fuck are you laughing at?!"  A solider screamed kicking her in the stomach to shut her up.
"Go to hell."  Was all she replied as she was once again hauled to an upright position.
She looked straight into her enemies eyes as he prepared for another blow that would probably break her jaw.  She knew she threw him off by her lack of fear because he hesitated to hit her.  Smirking she blew a kiss at him watching as his face turned red with fury.
"You fucking bitch!"
"ENOUGH!"  a voice yelled from the doorway to the interrogation room. Sin watched in amusement as everyone froze as their apparent superior came walking into the room.  "Everyone leave, you will all be place under two weeks suspension for disobeying direct orders that the prisoner wasn't to be harmed.  Leave now before I find reason to punish you more." Sin couldn't help but laugh as they scurried out of the room at the fastest pace that she had seen from them so far.

The higher rank officer sat across from her watching her intently.  Sin stared back feeling.....slightly intimidated from the man in front of her.  She had no idea what he could want but she had a feeling that she was about to find out.

"You find my soldiers amusing,"  he finally spoke up.  More a statement the a question.  "Why is that, angel?"
She growled at the nickname that he apparently just presented her with.  "Because they are weak and I find that to be amusing,"  was all she replied in return.
"So you find others weakness amusing?"  the man asked cocking his head to the side as a small smile played upon his lips.
"Yes, weaknesses should be destroyed in whatever means necessary." Sin shrugged simply.  She above all others hated weakness, she was raised not to have any, even before she fell in with the group of mercenaries.
"I'm glad you think so."  she replied monotone once again pulling up all of her walls of defense.
"So what do you think you are.  An angel of judgment?"  the oz general asked slightly amused with the way things were turning.
"If that is what you wish to believe then who am I to say otherwise," she remarked feeling her body relax in the restraints trying to test how much strength they had in them.  Mentally she cursed realizing that she was pretty much screwed.
"So my little angel of destruction, you are perfect for what I have planned for you.  Either way we'll benefit from you."
"Oh really that's wonderful,"  she replied coldly.  "And what would that be.....a quick fuck?"
"Among others things....sure why not.  My soldiers need a little fun. But besides that, you'll become the greatest threat against the Gundum pilots.  Oz will not be threatened if what I want to do succeeds."
"I'm sorry if you forgot but I HATE OZ!"
"That's no matter, I'll achieve my goal no matter what.  Now that I've captured the scientist who created this program everything should run smoothly from here on out."
"We'll see about that."  Sin whispered as she locked gazes with the Oz general.
"Indeed, little angel, indeed we will." **

<<//End Flashback//>>