~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
GWChapter Three
Angel's Front.....
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Chapter Three:

As a prisoner, Sin found only a minimum number of options that she was faced with.  None of which pleased her in the slightest, which wasn't a surprise since she was rarely pleased as it was.  She was furious at the thought that an Oz general was treating her as though she were some common war prisoner, when she should have been regarded or at least feared by the soldiers, instead of mocked and molested by the intolerable pigs.  Because she was young and a woman, her abilities were ignored.  The pigs of Oz still thought she was some dainty thing that would break at the first sign of trauma.  Little did they know she had live with danger, and pain since she was born.  She was and had always been a warrior, a warrior that deserved some recognition to the expertise that she possessed, which over passed the simplest Oz soldier; and they were 'uncomplicated' individuals.  Following orders without a thought, mindlessly fighting in a war that is pure politics and bullshit. 

War.  That god damned word only cause more problems then it was worth.  Sin didn't hate war however, if it was fought for a true cause, which never really happened, then it was acceptable.   She herself was honestly neutral about the whole thing.  But to claim that a war was fought to achieve pacifismā¦that was just pathetic. 

~Do they honestly think killing and death will bring happiness and peace?  Please, its all about politics and intrigue.  If half of those supposed 'pacifists' even gave a damn about the people of the colonies they would have found or at least tried to find a solution.~

"Then again, why am I dwelling?  Its not as thought I really care, everyone dies eventually anyways and war could be viewed as a way for population control perhaps. It just is irritating to have people make up reasons.  War is for killing pure and simple, they should take credit for their actions." She was musing bored completely out of her skull, and talking to herself seemed to take down her frustrations and homicidal urges to a minimum.  Her neck was resting against the back of her chair and she stared at the fluorescent lights, she could feel her eyes starting to burn from not blinking.

`Hmm if you look long enough ¦it seems to have little sparkles floating interesting.  Goddamn I'm bored!~

       Sighing Sin grudgingly raised her head glancing around the dimly lit room feeling the vines of annoyance spreading through her body.  She had been in that damn Oz detention center for who knew how long, submitting to the tests that those overconfident bastards that dared call themselves scientists.  She had played their games far more willingly then she probably should have, seemingly giving the impression of a feeble willed individual.  But she was by far weak; she had one mean temper and a nasty bite to follow for those unlucky to cross her path. 

~At least some of the soldiers have learnt their lessons~ Sin mused thinking about her last set of guards who were currently, well, dead to put it in simple terms.  She, of course, liked to view it as a permanent vacation, without pay.

Reluctantly Sin was drawn from her musings by the hiss of the door opening boots clicking against the floor as someone entered.  Sin narrowed her bright green eyes at the intruder, because now they were overstepping into her territory and she was fiercely protective of what was hers.  Body tensed, ready to spring like a feline on the hunt Sin watched quietly, warily.  She only wished she had claws, so as to show her captures how a person like her wanted to 'play'.  For at that moment she wouldn't have minded digging her nails into the soft flesh of a throat to feel the blood oozing down her arms.  That would have at least provided some amusement not to mention a stress reliever. 

"Are you in pain?"  A calm voice, smooth and cold just like ice questioned while sliding a chair backwards and placing himself delicately in it. 

There was no other noise, except the slight hiss of breathing, but other then that silence reined over the tiny half lit room.  The sound of the buzzing light fixture becoming thunderous, a deafening roar to Sins ears.  Slouching in her chair Sin watched disinterested wondering what the prick could possibly want.  Inwardly sighing she flexed her wrist relieving some of the pressure.

Teffin sighed giving Sin a bored and slightly irritated look.  "Of course, if you were in discomfort with one word from your sweet lips, I would be more then willing to free you or at least loosen those nasty leather bindings around those pretty little wrists of yours."  Teffin stood up and walked behind Sin grasping her bleeding and puffy wrists, tightly squeezing them.

Sin bit her lip to stifle the slight gasp that threatened to slip from her throat.  She was determined to never let the general hear a moan, cry, or to let a remark that remotely sounded like pain reach his ears. She would never give him the satisfaction of that.  He already had her freedom, had made her a test subject, which she now had a damn chip, or circuit type machine in her neck.  He had taken a lot from her but she would be damned if he would get her pride.

"Ooh, that's quite nasty from my perspective.  It looks as though it's starting to become quite unhygienic."  Teffin replied musically as he maneuvered himself away, almost gliding across the room.

Sin snorted in disgust at his lame attempt to sound even slightly sophisticated. 

~" It is starting to become quite unhygienic" Who in the hell says that?  Why didn't he just say its infected, the dumb prick!~

       "Do you have a purpose for being here?"  Sin asked coldly, her voice and face vacant of any emotion or contemplation that was going through her head.  She outwardly appeared calm and unconcerned at her current predicament although inwardly she was seething already planning unkindly ways to slaughter the whole Oz base in as many unpleasant techniques as possible.  Sin had always liked variety, why stop now?

"I have to admit Sin Masters, you are most definitely a rare and intriguing individual.  Your cold and aloof ploy makes my other soldiers fear you, except me of course.  In my eyes you are nothing but a mere child.  A pawn in a game with rules and motives that you are so unaware of.  Blinded by childish ideals and codes of unrealistic honor that you force yourself to suffer unnecessarily, playing the game of a soldier when you know nothing."  Teffin replied haughtily with an air of humor about him.  He was now sitting on the desk in front of Sin, studying her every movement as he tried to guess her reaction to his little speech.  And little it was, little of importance anyways.

       "I am no child.  Your soldiers fear me because they are nothing more then cowards and you a coward hiding in a fancy uniform.  But one question you must ask yourself, general, is, who really is the pawn in this little game?  I know my moves, but all you can do is follow the orders your superior and his superior and so on and so forth give to you.  I have no commander and no one to answer to.  So who is the pawn in this little game?  Especially since I have you tightly by the balls, so to say."  Sin answered with a small smirk spreading across her face.

       ~Fucking pedophilic bastard when I'm through with him, hell will seem like a vacation!~

"You are most definitely not a child, Ms Masters.  Such a delicate and appetizing morsel you are.  An unconquerable beast..." Teffin purred, voice oozing with lust and barely hidden desire.

"And I shall remain an 'unconquerable beast' to you, general!" Sin answered with disgust.

"I believe that you've already been conquered, many a time Masters."  Teffin argued with a smirk.

"My body may have been used to fulfill the pleasures of a soldier but my mind and pride will never belong to any man, let alone someone like you."  Sin replied sweetly, not able to hide her smile as the general flushed in anger.  "You may take me as many times as you want in as many different ways but you will never conquer what's in front of you."

"Oh we shall see about that Sin.  I always get what I want, and nothing is going to change that."

"Then I guess you desire to come face to face with death because that's all you will receive in the end, if you try to overcome me."  Sin spat glaring daggers at the general who was slowly removing his jacket.  In his gaze Sin saw desire and she instantly knew where this 'meeting' they were having was about to head to.  "Although I may not have the advantage at the current moment, I can assure you that in the end I'll gut you like the pig you are!"

"Ah, but you see darling, you'll never get the advantage.  From now on I'll do with you what I desire, whether you want it or not."  Teffin growled deep in his throat as he ripped her from her chair ignoring her now profusely bleeding wrists.  He glanced back at the vacant chair noticing the broken leather bindings swaying slowly from the armrest.  Smirking he looked down at the cold defiant eyes of his prisoner.  There were absolutely no words ever created by man to describe the lust and hatred he felt for her.  He wanted to break her from the inside out, to destroy that cocky smugness that seemed to flow from every pore of her body.  But most of all he wanted her to feel pain, pleasure, to struggle as though her life depended on it because he would have truly broken the cold-hearted bitch underneath him if she felt something.  He desired to hear her scream, to make her scream. 

"Isn't that how it always is?"  Sin muttered as she was thrown to the hard ground.  She winced as her wrists were held tightly above her head. They hurt, hurt a lot actually, but she would never let him know.  She was still quite surprised by the force he used to pull her from the chair; she would have been impressed if it wasn't for the fact that she hated him with a passion.  Blinking against the pain in her arms and the sticky blood that was starting to slowly soak into her hair she glared at the man above her.

~I'm going to fucking bleed to death before he actually does something!~

"Would you do it already you dirty bastard!  Foreplay is so fucking cliche!"  Sin growled as his face leaned in closer to hers. 

"As you wish... Teffin muttered as strong thighs parted hers holding them firmly apart.  He frowned when she didn't struggle but shook his head trying to stick to the main task.  With his other free hand he ripped the flimsy shirt she was wearing staring at the creamy flesh beneath it.

Sin gritted her teeth and fought her instinct to fight back.  She knew she couldn't because that would be giving in to him, letting him gain the advantage.  "They're breasts you dumb fuck!  Then again how would I expect something like you to know about that!?"  Sin shouted irritably.  It wasn't as though she wanted him to take advantage of her but she did want it to be over with as quick as was humanly possible. She had been through this experience many a time and she had learned to get over the fear, it was bound to hurt no matter what she did.  It was better to accept it like a soldier-excepted defeat then to cry and snivel like a little bitch, because that was what they wanted.  Rapists didn't enjoy unresponsive fucks.

She felt her insides twist and she had to swallow hard not to vomit.  Blinking her thoughts were once more focused on the disgusting individual above her as strong fingers slithered under the waistband of her pants and wrenched it harshly from her body.  Sin's sad body arched painfully from the ground, as it was lifted, instant bruises forming from where the material once was.  Sin watched as Teffin eagerly plucked off his own clothes with dispassionate eyes.

Gloveless Teffin dug his fingers into the back of her neck breaking open the delicate pink skin from her incision.  He didn't give a damn about the project now, not when she was mocking him.  Under different circumstances he would have been careful, because it had taken many months/years even to finally have a healthy person survive the transplant surgery.  He watched with pride as Sin's face scrunched up and she let out a soft hiss, squeezing harder he felt warm sticky liquid run over his fingers.  He pulled her up and ruthlessly plundered her mouth, once done he removed his hand letting her skull fall backwards with a sickening crack.

Through a haze of pain Sin managed to keep her eyes open glaring at Teffin watching his smug smile spread across his face.  She promised herself that she would wipe it off permanently one day.  She tensed her body waiting for the initial pain that she knew was about to come and suddenly it began; as a searing pain shot through her lower body she arched upwards eyes tightly closed as she fought to hold in the scream that threatened to leave her.

"Why won't you SCREAM!"  Teffin yelled angry at the unresponsiveness of his prisoner.  He watched as hazy emerald eyes met him, and to his shock a small smirk appear on her face.

"Because it would <gasp> please you, and where is the fun in that?"  She answered emotionlessly her chest heaving with small gasps of air.

With a growl Teffin thrust angrily slapping her in the face just for spite.  He was pleased when her nose and lip started to bleed.  It was fine that she wouldn't respon. He would still do the damage to her.  He bent down practically shoving his tongue down her throat listening as she gagged slightly.  Before he was through with her she would be begging for mercy.  Unreserved he picked up the speed, raping her in her own pool of blood and loving every minute of it.


Waking from unconsciousness Sin was once again reminded of the fact that she was a prisoner and that she ached horribly in certain areas.  Though the pain afterwards was always certain to happen, sex wasn't gentle by a long shot.  Groaning Sin sat up wondering how she wasn't dead from all the blood she managed to loose.  Looking around she once again realized she was back in her cell and her wrists were tightly bandaged along with stitches in her cheek from where Teffin had been angered punching her, his sharp ring slicing through her skin as though it were butter.  With slightly trembling fingers Sin let them trail over the spots of her body where she knew there were wounds.

~Someone must have taken the liberty to fix the damages done~

"How terribly thoughtful of them" Sin muttered dryly as she stood up stretching her stiff muscles.

"I thought so."  A soft sarcastic voice replied from behind Sin.  Spinning she found herself staring into the blue eyes of a girl about the same age of hers, shoulder length black hair pulled tightly back into a pony tail, with shiny black rimmed glasses that settled arrogantly upon a small slightly upturned nose.  Sin narrowed her eyes wondering who this girl was and what exactly she wanted.  "You know you are lucky to be alive.  If I hadn't of stitched your incision on the back of your neck and fixed your wrists you would have.  You managed to loose a lot of blood."

Sin remained silent as the girl leaned casually against the wall, she didn't necessarily feel threatened of her, heck Sin hardly felt threatened of anyone but still she couldn't stop herself from being overly wary.  Cautiously she lifted her hand and let her fingers trace over the bandage.  "Luck had nothing to do with surviving.  I am a very hard person to kill when I don't want to die.  My skill keeps me alive."

The raven-haired girl smirked as she stared crossing her arms over her chest. "Really now? Interesting concept, I can tell your skill had a lot to do with the fact that you are now a prisoner of Oz's and stuck in unbelievably small titanium lined cell.  You are damn good."  The girl replied voice oozing with sarcasm.

Unimpressed Sin tilted her head, a delicate eyebrow raised.  This girl was really starting to annoy her, especially since it seemed that every part of her body was throbbing.  Standing up Sin slightly cringed as white-hot pain shot through her body. 

~Jesus! what the hell did he do? leave me for all his lackeys to have a go? ~

"You probably shouldn't be moving around a lot.  You wounds will heal faster that way."  The girl responded her voice softening slightly.

"Listen, I don't know who you are but lets get this straight, my body is my own and I'll take care of it and do with it what I like.  I do not need help from you on how to 'heal faster'."  Sin spat aggravated.

"Yeah, sure your bodies your own.  I can see it so clearly now.  So is that why you were raped by General Teffin?" 

~Well at least that solves whether or not it was numerous people. ~  Sin thought wryly.

"Your opinion is noted, you may leave."  Sin replied coldly glancing distastefully down at her bloody clothes lying on the floor.  Bloody prison clothes, she never liked them anyways.

"Is this a GAME to you!?"  The girl cried angrily. 

"No its reality to me."   Sin answered somewhat distractedly as she picked through the clothes that were neatly folded for her. 

~Aww, how fucking sweet, she even brought me clothes. Well, it *is* better then walking around naked.  Just imagine the shit I'd go through then!~

"How can you not care that you've been violated?  How can you be so unaffected?" 

Sin looked up raising an eyebrow. Was she still talking? "I got used to it.  To them its another form of conditioning to instill, and I've learned to grin and bear it."  She couldn't understand why this girl was so concerned with her well-being.  She hardly even knew her, so why did she care about whether she was alive or dead? Besides, she must obviously have been with Oz if she was in the detention center.  Sin's expression grew cold as she remembered that.  "Why would what happens to an prisoner be of any concern to you?  I am a threat to Oz, therefore expendable."

"My father is a scientist.  There is a difference there."  The girl replied hotly.  "Just because I'm here doesn't mean I'm a follower of Oz and its beliefs."

"The knowledge of your father being a scientist alone is enough reason for me to hate you!"  Sin hissed angrily.

"My father never wanted to experiment on you."  She whispered softly.

"Well, it's a little to fucking late for apologies, ne?"  Sin growled eyes narrowing into bright green slits.

"With all considerin, I guess it is."  There was a slight pause before the girl spoke again pushing a strand of her hair from her eyes.  "What is your name?"

"I'm sure such a smart little girl like you would have figured it out long before now." Sin spat hotly back, her voice sharp and hard like gundanium.  "But since you were so kind to ask its Sin, Sin Masters."

The girl smiled softly in front of her unperturbed by the hostility that filled the room.  "My name is Analia, Analia Mardix."

"A pleasure I'm quiet sure."  Sin replied dryly.  Suddenly a thought hit her. Of course it would have to take some acting skills but she could fully pull it off.  It would most likely be pretty damn annoying for the five minutes it would take but she was willing to suffer to get out of there, and if that meant being nice to the damn girl then so be it.  Breaking out into a smile she gazed at the slightly confused and slightly suspicious girl in front of her.  "Analia... Listen I know you are only trying to help, and I am grateful, I'm going to need help with recovering my wounds, could you help me?"

Smiling Analia nodded walking towards Sin ready to help. 

Smirking softly to herself she waited until Analia was up close and attacked without a second's thought grabbing Analia by the arm and twisting it painfully behind her back, willingly placing more pressure upon it without hesitation.  She listened to the soft cries of pain and twisted it again.

"Now Analia, we are going to go for a little walk, and if you try anything I'll break you arm not to mention your neck."  Sin nodded happily when there was no response and walked her to the door.  "I don't think I need to explain to an sharp girl like yourself what needs to be carried out for you to stay alive do I?"


"Good.  Oh and by the way, a thought to help you in the future is not to be so fucking gullible. it was to easy."

"You Bitch!"

"Good, I'm glad we are on the same page here" Sin pushed her forward after the door was opened.  "Now WALK!"  She barked shoving Analia forward down the corridor.

Walking down the corridors Sin looked around in disgust.  She couldn't believe how lousy the soldiers were.  It was quite pathetic at how a prisoner could escape so easily. Pausing for a second Sin leaned back into the shadows eyes constantly moving around.  It was a little too easy at how she had escaped once she thought about it.  She had a gut feeling that something was about to happen.  Closing her eyes she listened intently to the sounds around her, she sprung around when she heard the slight rustle of clothes, an OZ solider swinging at her.  With a growl, Sin carelessly tossed Analia to the side barely noticing how she hit the wall sliding down into a crouched position and watching warily.

"Hold right where you are!" 

Sin paused for a moment letting her tense shoulders suddenly sag in defeat and raising her arms in the air as the soldier approached his gun trained upon her hand shaking from nervousness.
With sharp calculating eyes Sin could tell that this solider was obviously very new.  It would be to easy to kill him, and she once again couldn't help but be disgusted with the fact that they had such an inexperienced boy guarding her.  Did they honestly think he would stand a chance?  She may have been younger then him, but she was not inexperienced.

"You caught me? Whatever shall I do?"  Sin replied softly with a sigh, eyes watering slightly.

"Y-You'll stay right where you are!"  The soldier replied.

Smirking Sin leaned closer to him reading his nametag.  "Well, Private Johnson, it seems as though you've caught the catch of the day."  Sin took a small step forward.

"DON'T MOVE!"  The private cried finger squeezing gently on the trigger ready to pull.

"Does a little girl like me seem as such a big threat to you?"  Sin replied eyes softening with forced tears and lip trembling.  "I don't even know why I'm here! I-I just wanted to go home!  I-I just wanted to see my family!"  Sin sobbed while watching his expression soften and his hand loosen its death grip on the gun.  She lowered her hands sobbing into them shoulders shaking with sadness and despair.  "I just want to go home!!"

"Its all right there is no need to cry."   Private Johnson soothingly replied.  He placed a rough hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.  "I'm sure it's just a mistake and they picked up the wrong girl. Come with me and I'm sure we can straighten out this mistake."

"N-no. I don't believe there was any mistake."  Sin replied coldly snapping her head up to gaze at his shocked expression.  "Surprise!" she murmured as she kicked the gun from his hand catching it in hers.  "Tsk... Tsk. Such a caring heart you are.  Pity."  Sin said smoothly before grabbing him by the collar and placing a light kiss to his lips.  "My knight in shinning armor, however shall I repay you. How about the sweet kiss of my gun?"  Without a second thought pulled the trigger twice watching as he fell to his knees in front of her.  Listen to Analia's choke of shock and disgust.  Rolling her eyes she stuffed the gun into the waistband of her jeans leaning over the boy who was gasping for breath.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?"  Analia screamed angrily.  "He was just a boy!"

Sin glowered impassively at the girl, "There are only soldiers, Analia.  Boys, men, they all are the same to shinigami."  She glanced down at the boy, who was watching her pleadingly, eyes wide and unfocused as his chest heaved blood squirting out with every shake of his body.  Glaring Sin grabbed his nose and pressed her hand over his mouth watching as his eyes got rounder.  Cocking her head to the side she watched as he flailed weakly eyes meeting her cold ones.  She leaned closer to whisper to him.

"Go bravely into death."  She watched as he eyes fluttered shut and his hands that had been weakly prying at hers thudded to the floor smearing in the dark pool of blood surrounding him.  Standing up Sin looked Analia straight in the eyes, watching with interest as Analia adverted her eyes looking at the dead solder.

"He had family!" Analia whispered softly glancing down at the pool of blood that was spreading from under his body.  In the distance the sounds of yelling and pounding footsteps could be heard.

"So did I once, before they were murdered." Sin replied digging through the dead soldiers pockets grabbing what she could.  "Lets go now, there is no more time to waste with foolish sentimentality."  Grabbing Analia once again she dragged her down the hallway, heading towards the docking bay.

"You're evil!"

"So I've been told."


The sickening sound of flesh being smacked echoed through the dark room.  There was barely any light on except for the one that the prisoner was in the center of.  Arms were strung above the person's head by a thin chain.  Clothes were torn and bloody from the beatings.  Head lowered, all that was visible was the shuddering of the form as it tried to breathe and the grungy blond hair that hung hiding features.  The prisoner was kneeling painfully on the ground having no strength to move, even to relieve the tension of her stinging wrists.

"Thought you'd actually go through with your plans didn't you!"  The voice grated mockingly, voice echoing off the walls to come back full force to the prisoner.  "You're not such a hot-shot now are you little girl?"

"Go. To. Hell!"  The body gasped voice sounding at though it were fading in and out from exhaustion and pain.  The head raised and bright emerald eyes glittered defiantly.  Sin Masters had unfortunately been captured, once again.  Growling at the smug look on the Generals face was enough to send her in a rage, that's if she even had the strength.  It had been her own carelessness that led to her capture.  She had wasted time, dragging the obnoxiously moral Analia around with her, yelling at her when she killed Oz soldiers.  It had grated on her nerves making her loose her cool and finally led to her messing up.  She mentally cursed at the girl for trying to impose upon her a conscience.  Lecturing her on the importance of morals and that's its wrong to kill, even OZ soldiers.

~It will never be wrong to kill Oz soldiers! They are the enemy.  She's never had her family killed, her whole life destroy by them! She wouldn't understand if it hit her right between the eyes!!~

"Hm, no thank you."  Teffin replied placing a chair in front of her and sitting gently down in it. He crossed his legs threading his hands demurely taking on the image of a priggish schoolgirl.  "I have a proposition for you angel," he chuckled as Sin growled pulling against the chains in an attempt to attack him.  "I want you to join Oz, voluntarily."

Sin paused watching him with wide eyes; suddenly she started shaking trying to hold back but a sudden laughter filled the room, and General Teffin appeared to get livid at her reaction.  "Are you SERIOUS!?"  She chuckled resting her head against her arm weary of holding it up.  "You are an idiot if you think I would willingly join Oz!"

Teffin smiled knowingly a mocking glint in his eyes.  "I did expect such a reaction from you, angel, so here is the other reason why you will join Oz of your own free will."

"Not on your LIFE buddy!"  Sin sneered glaring daggers at the grotesque figure in front of her.  Who in the seven hells did this guy think he was?

"Yes, anyway, in all honestly you do not have the option.  You will join."  With a smirk and a snap of his fingers a blank screen was lowered from the ceiling.

Sin watched mistrustful of the general.  She knew that he was up to something, but she couldn't figure out what a blank screen had to do with it.  "What games are you trying to play?"  She asked crossly, glaring daggers at the moron.

But Sin's question was answered immediately as an image of a young boy appeared upon the screen.  Her eyes widened and face paled as she recognized him.  The boy was at least 8 or 9 years old, and he was fidgeting, nervously looking around.  Sins heart clenched as almost identical emerald eyes met hers a darker shade of blonde hair falling messily into his eyes.

"Is anybody there?!  Where am I?"  The boys sweet yet terrified voice called out in the darkness echoing around him.

"You BASTARD!"  Sin whispered angrily.  "How DARE you!"

"Now, I'm sure you realise the importance of your decision, now.  Agree and you sweet little brother will remain safe, if not, well, I don't think you really want to know."

Sin growled at the predicament that she was placed in.  Yet she knew that she in all honesty didn't have a choice.  Raising deadly eyes she met the calm yet amused brown ones of the general.  Her voice was icy enough to freeze a persons blood in fear.

"You have a deal, but if he is in anyway hurt, you will regret it dearly and not even your soul in hell will escape me."

Smirking Teffin nodded his head in agreement.  "Good, I'm glad you see it my way."