Chapter Six
She walked down the narrow hall way with her nose stuck in a manual, reading it through small glasses that rested
at the tip of her nose. As she reached the door at the end of the hall, she raised her hand and pushed in the code without
even looking up.
"So Analia, which machine of yours has broken down now?" a woman asked humorously as she walked in the door.
"Really Une," she said in exasperation. "You of all people should know Im not fixing anything. All of my mobile
suits are running perfectly." She looked up, flashing her spectacular, smirking, blue eyes at Une. "Im only trying
to figure out how to hack into its system in the easiest way possible."
"Right. How could I have forgotten."
"Well what are you here for now. Now let me guess...... you came here to offer me yet another one of your stupid
"proposals" from the Preventers, am I right?"
Une was silent and obviously angered. Once again she had been defeated by the 17 year old. "Yes, youre correct.
I wish you to join the Preventers organization and fight along side the Gundam pilots."
Analia laughed slightly while continuing to read the manual. "Une, how many more times are you going to beg?
Ive told you no so many times and I dont really wish to tell you another time. Every time you come here you know the
answer will be the same. So why are you here?"
"Im at least asking you to consider it, Analia," Une snapped. "You know were going to offer you an undercover
position and you wont be known about. We fight the same enemy and you even warned me that they were rejoining.
Why did you do this if you didnt want to join forces?!"
Analia closed the manual with a loud thud and looked up enraged at Une. "Une, what you cease to continually
realize is that I fight the same enemy but I do it for my own reasons. You fight for peace, something that never has
existed in my life. I fight for revenge, a revenge you cant help me achieve. Dont you see it? Revenge and
peace cant fight side by side."
"But after revenge is over, do you not wish for peace?"
"Peace is only for those who view, sitting by and do nothing. I want my revenge and when I have it, I will
live my life the way I please. Until then, peace is just a party that revenge would crash."
"But if you would just talk to Lady --"
"UNE!!! I dont care!!!! Go tell your precious Gundam Pilots and your former queen that I could care less and would
never join you. I hold no alliances anywhere, except those that are beneficial. Alliances only lead to betrayal
and death. Being one of your puppet Preventers gives me nothing. Im a fighter and a mechanic. If I must,
Ill take on that damned OZ myself!!!"
Before Une could respond, Analia was outside the door and hit the close button. I will never join you, she
thought. She may have peace at the hands of Relena and her precious Preventers, but there is still not a utopia of peace
yet. There is much yet to do, and too much if I join them.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*.....Nearly 3 months later.....*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
"Lady Mardix," a young soldier said as he saluted standing outside of a mobile suit on the deck.
poked her head out from the cockpit and pulled her strand of hair out of her face. "Yes, Admiral Cron, what is it?"
"Lady Une and Lady Noin have requested a meeting with you."
Analia sighed heavily. "Tell them that Ill be there in a couple minutes," she replied as she pulled herself
up and out of the cockpit. The soldier saluted once again and left. Great, she though. So they decide to
meet with me when Im down to very little resolve for this. You think theyd have some sort of "class" about them
in not visiting me after a battle.
Analia walked over to the entrance to the hallway and looked in the mirror that was there. She smiled back
at her reflection which showed she had a grease smear on he cheek, forehead, and chin. She laughed a little as she looked
down at her grubby shirt that was covered in grease and oil. Im gonna be back to work shortly, she thought. Might
as well show them Im just as much of a working girl as said.
Analia walked down the hallway and through the door. Before her, sitting behind a table, was Noin and Une in
imperial dress. Analia just laughed slightly and responded, "Sorry Im not all decked out for the occasion, but Ive got
mobile suits to repair."
"We just came from a meeting in the neighboring colony with Miss Relena." Noin replied.
"And Im just another stop right? To warm up and get nice and cozy? I know what your here for and my answer
is still no."
"Actually, we are here to give you this," Une replied as she held out her hand. In her hand was a holographic
disc projecting a mobile suit. Analia looked at it and laughed slightly.
"Well as much as Id like your little mobile suit, I have the resources and the ability to make my own. My army
is ready for a second strike anyway."
"Are you?" Noin asked suspiciously. "From what it looked, your forces took a big hit out there. Your
soldiers need to rest, too. You shouldnt push them so hard."
"Theyve rested for a good 4 days now, Noin. Besides, I dont think I have a problem giving orders to my own
men. Anyway, your precious Miss Relena wouldnt like it if you were giving a "disturber of the peace" lessons on how
one should fight. You are pacifists now arent you?"
Noin gritted her teeth and stared back coldly at Analia. Neither of the two got along very well all considering
Noin was against Analia harboring soldiers and having them fight the reformed OZ organization with her. Noin believed
that should be left up to the Preventers.
"Analia, calm down. Noin was just making a suggestion. Anyway, your failing to see one little thing about
this mobile suit."
Analia looked over at Une again with a slight smirk. "What? It blows bubbles?" she replied mockingly.
"No..... its made of Gundanium."
Analia looked at the hologram again. A gundam, she thought. A gundam could be hers. The metal was
unbeatable and practically unable to be damaged. She could surely beat OZ in a gundam, but she guessed it would have
to come with a price. One that she would have to pay eventually. If she were to join them and be their "helper",
she would get a gundam, an unstoppable mobile suit. Then again, she didnt want to be under their organization in the
least bit. She wasnt fighting for peace and never would.
"You really play dirty Une....."
"I dont have a choice in the matter. If you want it, its yours.... but under the circumstances that you can
"So what is it called?"
"This is Gundam 011, Gundam Ocea."
Analia sighed heavily. "What are the full circumstances of this contract your presenting?"
"You will be a special operative only known about to myself and Noin, and when the time is right, the Gundam Pilots.
Its nothing that you cant handle by far, Analia. Its almost as if you were our spy, with a bounty hunter twist.
You can kill any OZ member you wish and the more information you bring us, the more youll be supported by our sources."
"I dont need your support."
"If you want to raise your army faster and fight longer, Id suggest you take whats given you," Noin replied, utterly
beyond the state of annoyance.
"Is that a threat?"
"None of the sort. Well supply anything you wish and well stay out of your way if you dont want the Gundam.
It just gets hard to get supplies so secretively when you need mass amounts...."
"Whats in this for you? Another feather in both of your caps? Im not going to be some lackey. Ill
take the missions that I choose are worthy of my time."
"Fine. OZ will get a warning shot from our friend anonymity," Une replied, pulling out a card and holding it
in front of her.
"Is that my assignment? Give a warning shot?" Analia mocked in a detested tone.
"Youll have to strike at some point."
"At some point, yes, but do note this. Assignments are only as good as the people chosen to carry them out,"
Analia smirked as she grabbed the card key from her hand. "Dont expect me to go around spouting off that I have anything
to do with you. In fact.... Id rather say I dont care if your Preventers disappear from this universe as is."
"Never expected you to. Youll need this card to get into space port hanger S-453 of the moon base."
"What? Scared explosives will attract too much attention?"
"Your Gundam is stored in an abandoned part of the base. All that its used for is weapons storage. No
one goes there but they will if you cause too much of a commotion."
Analia laughed as she walked to the door. "But it would be too much fun. It would make me feel like a
criminal more so than just stealing your weapons and ammunition. Dont be surprised."
Before they could respond, the door closed behind Analia. The Gundam was hers. Now the years she suffered
under OZ would come to an end. Now the revenge of her fathers murder would be complete.
Noin sighed heavily as she looked at the door that closed behind Analia. "How are you so certain we havent
made a mistake?"
"She still mourns, Noin. That girl wont stay out of this battle until its over. Not until shes as hallow
as she can get herself. Revenge has infected her to the point where she cant see an end to anything anymore. She
at least knows what side shes on. So thats why."
Analia passed down the halls, away from the room and went to the dormitories. She opened the door to her room
and placed the card key on her desk. Slowly she walked over to the closet and pulled out her pilots uniform. As
she zipped up the last section of it, she looked into the closet once again. Inside a dark uniform hung of an OZ soldier
hung there. Her fingers lightly ran over the tasseled shoulders of her fathers uniform as she let a tear fall down her
"May you soon rest in peace, General Mardix," she said softly, closing her eyes. "My father."