~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
GW Ch5
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Chapter Five

    "Hn.   Its truly a pity that Earth is about to be thrown in a Nuclear Winter, don't you agree Masters?"

    Frowning Sin didn't answer as she watched the current situation that was unfolding deep within the depths of space.  It was the final battle; deep down she knew it was. Someone was going to win, and she had the small feeling that it wasn't going to be OZ.  Sighing softly Sin brushed a strand of her blonde hair from her face and crossed her arms once again over her chest.  Green eyes riveting to a different screen as the panic unfolded, and the muffled sounds of screaming and crying echoing around the room.

    She was standing in Teffin's private sweet her eyes skimming over the large wall full of different TV monitors, all with a different news station upon it, as well as the footage that OZ, itself, was broadcasting.  The room was dark, and quiet except for the confused garble coming from so many voices.  But Sin didn't mind, she really wasn't listening to them.  She was watching.  And she found that she could hardly move her eyes from the battle that was going on in space.

    However, hearing a muffled rustle behind her she caught the faint reflection of Teffin approaching her in the TV and narrowed her eyes steadying herself for his touch.

    Wrapping his arms around her waist Teffin rested his head upon her shoulder smirking slightly as he watched the battle with her, the lightreflecting off of his glasses making it appear that his eyes were glowing silver orbs.  He lifted an arm pressing it against Sin's chest and let slender fingers trace slowly over the thick scar that ran almost across her whole neck.

    "You didn't answer my angel."  He murmured, breath whispering against her ear.

    "Does my answer even matter?"  Sin answered quietly unconsciously leaning back into his strong hold.  If anything she did it just so he would stop caressing the scar upon her neck.  His touching it made her remember and she wasn't in the mood for her demons to come screaming from the dark.  Right now she just wanted to watch the ordeal that was playing before her eyes, she didn't have the will to remember.  Not now.

    "Of course, angel, I would love to hear what you have to say upon the matter."  Teffin breathed, his lips just barely grazing against the skin of the neck.  He felt Sin flinch and grinned letting his tongue slide just below her ear.  He felt her breathing hitch and he wondered if it was out of fear that she did it.  However, she did not answer him for a while and Teffin began to grow irritated that she was unresponsive.  Frowning he was about to speak when her voice cut him off.

    "Well, it certainly was a pity that Trieze Krushrenda died."  Sin replied her voice becoming a little bit louder, breaking the oppressive silence and changing the subject.
    "Hn.  Trieze Krushrenda was nothing more then a fool."  Teffin spat, eyes narrowing in his dislike.

    "Hm.  Of course."  Sin replied smoothly, voice not holding the amusement that she felt.  It was so obvious that Teffin was jealous of the dead man.  Trieze had been a man that demanded respect wherever he went; Teffin compared to him was nothing more then a clown.  Teffin couldn't demand the respect of his underwear let alone soldiers.  If only the man knew what the others whispered behind his back.

    "You disagree?"  He asked voice steely and cold, just daring her to say yes.

    "Of course not."

    "Hn, good."  Teffin replied his posture and grip relaxing.

    "I mean if he was a fool then you, Sir, are a complete idiot."  Sin replied jerking from his grasp and moving cautiously out of the way.  Her defiance sent a familiar thrill through her veins.  It had been so long since she had rebelled in any way and she was shocked at how much she missed it.  But, there had been no reason for her to fight.  Not after her last escapade where she slaughtered Crobis's troops.  Shaking her head Sin watched as Teffin took a deep breath controlling his rage.

    "I'll let that go, angel.  OZ's day of victory will not be diminished by you."  Teffin replied smiling dangerously at the blond in front of him.

    "Hm."  Sin grunted turning her eyes back to the TV screen, a sudden smile threatening to tug at her lips.  "Amazing..... it seems as though most of Libra and Peace Million have surprisingly been redirected.  Clearly the result of a Gundum pilot."

    "Damn it."  Teffin growled his own eyes once again returning to the screen.  "Oh well it matters not.  There is still a piece of Libra falling toearth ."

    "Not really.  Its been blown up and there is a winged Gundum attempting to stop the small piece that apparently has still managed to proceed on course to Earth.  OZ will have no victory today, Sir."  Sin smiled at Teffin's pale face.  Inside she glowed, glad that the Gundum's had managed a victory.  But just as she managed to recognize that thought she frowned. 

    ~I hate the Gundums, so then why in the hell am I glad that they have won?~

    "I-It's a minor setback."  Teffin gasped fists clenched tightly.  "OZ still has a secret weapon."

    Sin raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any questions.  She was the secret weapon.


       "What exactly is this?"  Sin questioned, eyeing the machine in front of her.  The War had ended along with its respective celebrations.  But even so, Oz had not rested. Still planning, and plotting; slowly, like a cancer, becoming stronger and stronger.  It had been a year, and Mariemaia had struck and had failed. Yet OZ had ignored the blatant warning that the Gundums would not be messed around with and still preceded with the approaching second war.

    During that time Sin, however, had trained. And today was the first day that she would be using the device that was implanted inside of her.  It would have been earlier but with the scientist disappearing it had taken the research and developing of the type of Zero system she would need to install. Now it was operational and she couldn't help but worry about what this would do to her.  It could seriously fry her nerves and kill her if she didn't download correctly and at the precise speed needed.

    Glancing up at Teffin she couldn't help but shudder at the maniacal gleam in his eyes.  He had been deliriously ecstatic with the results of his little project.  Turning away she once more stared ominously at the simulation unit that sat before her.  She didn't want to do it, especially when it would give OZ an advantage in the upcoming war.

    "Get inside Sin.  Can't you hear it calling to you?"  Teffin asked, voice soft.

    Closing her eyes Sin did as commanded, warily easing herself into the chair and flawlessly strapping herself inside of the cockpit.  She eyed the scientist who approached her placing small circles with wires to her forehead and neck, as well as inside her shirt to monitor brain and heart waves.  Swallowing he focused her attention on the simulated cockpit in front of her gingerly wrapping her slender fingers around the controls, squeezing them tight.

    "Ready."  A voice replied and she wondered where it was coming from.

    Her eyes widened slightly when a metal helmet lowered itself until it was over her eyes, like a visor.  She heard a hum and it snapped on, only allowing her to see a dark green screen.  Blinking several times she heard another sound of moving and a flexible, yet extremely strong band slid over her neck holding her firmly to the chair.  She breathed deeply trying not to panic.  But when her hair was moved aside on the back of her neck she felt the speed of her heart double, beating rapidly against her chest.  There was a click, and something quickly slid into the metal circle at the back of her neck.  Eyes wide and only able to see green Sin could stop the keening scream that echoed around the training room.  Nor, thankfully, she couldn't see the pleased smile moved across Teffin's lips when he heard the sweet sound of her pain, and saw her thrashing arms attempting to let go of the controllers.