
order of things: Season Summaries Movie Summaries Episode List Character Bios Season
Summaries: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: It first starts off with a cat named Luna meeting a girl named
Usagi, and in which she gets the power to change into a super sailor suited heroine called sailor moon (howd ya guess?) Sailor
moon was told that she must defeat Queen Beryl and her minions, gather other scouts, revive the princess of the moon, and
her silver crystal. She gathers together Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and last but not least Sailor Venus.
And during all of this she has had to deal with A) a masked hero that throws roses whos incredibly hot B) a so-called Jerk
of a guy named Mamoru bugging her and being a male *shakes head* C) her lazy habits and D) her fellow soldiers telling her
to be more responsible. Half way through the season we all come to figure out a couple of things (manga you just
made a good guess, anime its TOO obvious) and those things are 1) Mamoru is Tuxedo mask (as if you could tell anyway) 2) Usagi
is the Moon Princess ( god if you didnt get that you should be shot ). Now the actual episode that this happened on was really
cool. But this is a SEASON summary and not an episode. So They find out that they are both these wonderful heros and one of
Beryls little (censor) goes and stabs the hottie...... Sailor Moon of course is all distraught and flies to his side cries
over him, her tear becomes the silver crystal, she transforms into the princess yada yada yada..... you find out who they
were in the past and so on and so forth..... Anyway.... Darien is taken by Beryls minion and was turned evil.
Usagi and the others fight both him and Beryls other minions and finally as this season begins to end, we learn the whole
story of the actual Moon Kingdom instead of the bits and pieces we heard through out the entire thing. Next the Soldiers
go and fight Beryl after riding her of almost all her minions. In the process of going to her all the soldiers die and go
bye-bye (that was sad though) and Usagi is forced to fight Mamoru (of course hes now Endymion, hes hot in that form yow!!!)
when she finally de-brainwashes him beryl attacks and he blocks the attack and dies and goes bye-bye *cries heavily*. The
final showdown goes under way and guess who wins?............. Well all I can say is that if Beryl won how would there be
5 sailor moon seasons? yeah after which usagi revives everybody. Happy end....... Bishoujo Senshi Sailor
Moon R: There are two things I must say. 1) R stands for romance 2) this is split into two different stories.
The first story goes with two aliens who landed on earth with their big tree (dont ask me how it fit in that apartment).
They are energy suckers just like everyone else. Usagi and the other soldiers (including the hottie ) dont remember a thing.
Yes they were all revived and cant remember a thing *shakes head* dont we all..... well they get their memory back, all but
the hottie, and start fighting these card monsters that the aliens send after people. Amazingly their powers improve some
a little and they get this new transformation stick. Of course since our hot hero isnt in action we have the sheek of bahgdad
hero (very hot and very easy to tell who he resembles). Add to all of this a screwy love triangle between Usagi, Mamoru, and
the aliens and wahlah!!! instant inbetweener!!!! (the manga series has none of this in it of course....) SO when we get to
the point of this they all go to the aliens apartment, Usagi being curious opens the door to the trees room (Ive already said
dont ask) and she gets sucked in, Mamoru comes running in and gets sucked up too and the aliens reveal themselves. Then the
tree starts to disobey them and it starts to suck the very life away from usagi and Mamoru and let me tell you the aliens
are ticked at that (can you imagine?!). So the tree finally is rebelling and lets go of our heros and starts attacking the
aliens. The soldiers are wounded by a previous attack from the aliens when the two where caught so the only one left is Usagi-chan!!!
yay!!! *dances around in a happy dance* She transforms into the sailor we all know and love and fights the tree but doesnt
really succeed cause the aliens still protect it....... (go figure). The aliens attack Sailor moon now and the attack is
blocked by Mamoru whos memory has just returned and he gets knocked out yet again *sigh*. The tree goes and tries to kill
the aliens but Sailor moon stops them and the tree finally talks and tells its story. Usagi heals the tree, the aliens live,
the fly back to outer space and thats the first half....... Second half goes on to the two love birds on a date.
We meet a new set of aliens that came from the future. Also a pink-haired brat named Chibi-usa. This little brat butts in
usagis life and she has to deal with her claiming to be her cousin. Then Mamoru breaks up with Usagi and it gets really bad.
The new enemies are a group of four sisters and a dude named Rubeus. They fight around a bit and then the sisters become
good. We learn that this little brat is from the future and she is looking for sailor moon so that she can help her mother.
When the sisters are out of the picture we meet the last characters: Wise man, Emerald, Sapphire, and Diamond. The Soldiers
fight them and they go to the future. They meet Sailor Pluto on the way too. Here we learn the brat is a princess and that
her parents are Usagi and Mamoru, the future king and queen of the earth. This is where the happy couple gets back together
mind you. And of course they fight some more and then the wise man starts to kill all the bad guys for us (thanks!!!)......
But he also picks up a new minion. Once known as Small lady, pink-haired brat, little spoiled spore and such, she becomes
the imfamous Black Lady. yay, were all thrilled...... They fight, sapphire and diamond die by the hand of the wise man and
then Black Lady decides to destroy the world. Usagi and company go and try to get her to stop but they have a little trouble.
Finally after a bit of coaxing they turn Black Lady into Chibi-usa again and they begin the fight with the wise man. Usagi
turns into Neo Queen Serenity and begins using the silver crystal and it was an even match until the pink haired brat went
princess and used her silver crystal. They beat the bad guys and everyone goes home happy..... Bishoujo
Senshi Sailor Moon S: S stands for super. This is rated the best series by most moonies and it is my 2nd fave.
(stars is best) This series has new enemies called the death busters with their minion diamons and a new target,
heart crystals. Put on top of that the introduction of two new sailor soldiers who are absolute buttheads and yeah.... this
is fun.... we eventually learn that the new soldiers are Uranus and Neptune and that they are after the talismans that reside
as heart crystals in three people. They search for these for a while and the reason, to get the holy grail and give it to
the messiah. Sailor moon gets the holy grain and it helps her transform into super sailor moon but she cant keep up the power
for too long. she defeats the first death buster and that chick dies escaping. *gets creepy* But out of the darkness, the
evil side of a sweet girl named Hotaru came up. *back to normal* No she just had a Daimon in her...... you know
that of course Chibi-usa had to befriend her and the two outer sailors had to have a problem with that..... They identified
her as the Messiah of silence and that just went over great with Kaolinite and so on and so forth..... oh yeah she died and
was revived by means I dont know.... no one really cares about her anyway, cept for Prof. Tomoe....... Now they
fight the idol girl death buster Mimete, who is very annoying, and so her death came as a very funny and lovely thing when
it did happen..... Then came Tellu, Viluy, and Cyprine/ Ptilol, who all die after one ep...... *sigh* Then Kaolinite takes
Hotaru, Chibi-usa tries to save her and gets her heart crystal taken by the evil peps, gives it to Hotaru, and she transforms
into the all known and loved Mistriss 9.... Sailor Moon is very stupid from this point on but hey shes the loving flake remember?
Any way, the outers float away in their special little helicopter and try to jump into the top of the Mugen School building
where this all takes place. Those retched lil red blobby daimons attack it and Pluto is sent for punishment because she has
to stop time for them to all live..... *another sigh* So the Outers nep and ura go in and they meet up with sailor moon who
got sucked in by mistriss 9s freaky hand thing. Uranus tells Sailor moon that if she gets in her way that shell kill her....
then Hotaru comes (who is mistriss 9 in disguise) and Sailor moon blocks Uranuss attack and it just made her madder. So they
spat for a while and Mistriss 9 wraps up Ura and Nep in her hair and their trapped. Then her sites hit Sailor Moon. She does
this fake little thing and bribes the Holy grail out of Sailor moon and thats just that.... This is where it gets
cool.... The Tau system then appears and Pharoah 90 is released. Their the REALLY bad guys. Every one thinks that its the
end from there on and Uranus and Neptune give her a BUNCH of crap..... were saying LOTS OF CRAP!!!! Then the legendary and
the awesomest senshi in the entire sailor moon universe appears.... *drumroll* Sailor Saturn!!!!! She holds her glaive out
in front of Usagis face and says that she will rid the world of the enemy and in doing so it will kill her. She tells Sailor
moon not to interfere because she could have done something as Super sailor moon but the sacrifice of the grail had been made
and she could now do nothing..... Saturn goes into the body of the massive blob and alot of explosions take place. Now Usagi
starts screaming Crisis Make Up trying to transform into super sailor moon. The senshi give her thier powers and her heart
crystal comes out of her chest and she turns into super sailor moon, goes into the blob Pharoah 90, kills him and retrieves
a baby, who is (holding you in the suspense) Hotaru....... Of course Hotaru goes back to her daddy Tomoe (who was
cleansed by sailor moon of his diamon), the outers bum around and dissapear and everyone lives happily ever after..... yay......
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: super s stands for Super senshi. This is the series I loathe
and like. I loathe the fact that its all about Chibi-usa, I like the ideas in this like the dream mirror and so on.
Chibi-usa begins this with a dream about her and pegasus. And so it goes that everyone is going to the solar eclipse.
They watch it and then the Dead moon Circus appears in town (amazingly no one notices) and the new enemy the Amazon trio.
They are a weird bunch let me tell ya...... Im makin this short cause I dont want this particularly too long.
The amazon trio go and try to find pegasus in the dreams of people and they dont find them for a while. Pegasus gives Chibi-usa
and Usagi the power to transform into super sailor soldiers and they slay the bad guys in no time. The amazon trio after
a while start to wonder if they have dream mirrors and they figure out they dont. Then Zirconia, the main villian, sends guys
after them and kills them. Pugasus then gives them dream mirriors and lets them live in the dream land with him.
Then the amazoness Quartet comes in. theyre the screwiest bunch. Little girls in bikinis ^_^;;;;; They play pool and
try to get the golden mirror. Finally after alot of searching they get it in Chibi-usa and she has the golden mirror and
they get the golden crystal, one of the goals of the enemy. it goes on and the way it ends is that Nehelainia, the main bad
chick (the queen), fights with the moon girls. All the people fight with them and overpower her. Chibi-usa faints and is
taken by Nehelania, Sailor moon goes to save her, Nehelania gets really old looking, pushes chibi-usa off the high tent thing
(I begged she would hit the bottom.... really I did), and dissapears in her mirror which flies up in the sky and goes poof.
Usagi transforms into serenity and goes and saves Chibi-usa. The end...... Thank god...... WRITERS NOTE: THIS
WAS THE STUPIDEST SERIES IN THE ANIME!!!!........ the manga was actually BETTER and it RULED compaired to this........
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars: This one is my fave!!!!! We learn in this series that Nehelania
comes back and tries once again to take over the world. Saturn is revived and the outer senshi reappear and become super.
Mamoru gets taken over by Nehelania and Usagi eventually figures out whats wrong with everyone. We learn a couple things
about Nehelania that we didnt know and sailor moon makes her good again. Next Mamoru goes off to America to study
for college and a yellow light attacks him and he vanishes. Then Sailor Iron Mouse appears and she starts going after things
called star seeds. The Sailor stars then appear... and some hot boys that are the hottest boy group called the 3 lights go
to Usagi and companys school .... seiya, taiki and yaten.... (seiya is automatically my fave cause hes just cool, then yaten
is close second) Sailor Iron mouse goes on for a while and she doesnt get her job done. Then Sailor Galaxia, the
chief bad guy, kills her and her position is taken over by aluminum siren and lead crow. And chibi chibi comes in now (if
this kid could get any cuter, I think that Id change my hair to red and go chibi too.) Now Lead Crow an Aluminum
Siren are VERY FUNNY characters in this.... I get a huge kick out of Sirens eating habits and the whole deal of the rival
fights that she has with Crow. Siren despite her quite stupid outwardly facade, is quite intelligent and finds out that Usagi
has a star seed and goes to take it BUT she decides to do it a) on a plane with every scout there is on earth but the outers,
b) the starlights/3 lights didnt know that thier new friends (usagi, rei, ami, ect.) were sailor senshi too, and c) they had
to transform infront of one another, the 3 lights are guys changing into girls basically..... After that Siren is doomed and
dies. Then, Tin Nyanko decides that shes gonna show her face and ruin the majority of the fun. She kills Crow and finds out
AGAIN that usagi has a star seed. but when its looking dim and very bad, a yellow light pops up and saves Usagi.... this
light being Princess Kakyuu. Yet alas, Crow dies mourning the fact that her rival was taken from her. Very sad death for
the both of them..... NOW!!!! Nyanko.... I didnt like her all that much..... shes annoying.... and shes quite
the devilish lil brat.... but!! she does have this cool thing in which she is half good half evil nearing the ep 196 or so...
thats about it.... Galaxia puts her out of her misery quick.... and also does so for Princess Kakyuu who is my FAVORITE character....
so about right now... Im pretty mad at galaxia, but back to the story... yes, the Starlights princess dies on them and we
all cry cause its VERY SAD!!! Usagi gets pretty mad and they all decide to go after galaxia..... They all head
in to gether and get seperated, of course, and the inners are the first to go....they die right infront of the starlights
AND sailor moon..... The inners tell the starlights to look after usagi and help her, and rei dies in usagis arms saying that
she has to stay strong for mamoru, very heart wrenching. So... Chibi Chibi of all people who is a sailor senshi decides to
show her power and WALA!!! they dissapear before galaxias attack hits them. Then the outers come in and we learn of two traitors
among the senshi (not literally but it sure does seem like it). URANUS and NEPTUNE both succomb to the little bracelets that
control the senshis minds and decide to join galaxia. They kill saturn and Pluto...... and Serena catches them at the last
minute too.... and they start whooping the crap out of her and the starlights. After watching a full episode of nothing but
that, they finally attack Galaxia with the bracelet powers and (du, du , duuuuuuu) She has NO STAR SEED!!! weird for a sailor
senshi....... she takes the bracelets and thats the end for Ura and Nep. So with them gone the Starlights and Sailor Moon
go up against Galaxia and learn of how this being Chaos, who the good galaxia sealed away, took over her body. She sent her
star seed out of her body to go to a warm soul, that being Sailor Moon. Chibi Chibi then turns into Sailor Cosmos for a couple
seconds ( you manga readers will notice this, but the anime watchers thinks its just galaxia) and she tells Sailor Moon to
fight Galaxia. Now Sailor Moon thinks that she can save Galaxia so she says no, and gets attacked. Cosmos BEGS her and
turns into a sword, Usagi grabs the sword and grows wings and goes flying past galaxia. They start fighting and
galaxia breaks the sword, Usagi cries cause chibi, chibi is gone and Galaxia just laughs in triumph. Then we whip out the
big guns, the Silver crystal and the fight goes on.... Usagi penetrates to the heart of Galaxia and heals her of Chaos. Galaxia
thanks her and leaves. Her friends appear and they say, we never stopped believing in you and all that but when Mamoru shows
up The viewer screams WELL ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!! because hes not been on since ep #1 of STARS!!!! So.... after they all get
back together the say good bye to the Starlights and the revived Princess Kakyuu (yay!!!) THAT IS THE END!!!!!!!

Movies: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R the movie: These movies are really cool I think. I liked them...
but lets talk R movie here... The R movie is basically about the love between Mamoru and Usagi and the friendship
between Mamoru and Fiore. The movie starts with them all at the botanical garden. Fiore decides to visit Mamoru and it is
a very strange scene. He hits Usagi and its a big fight from there. The next day a huge flower monster attacks people and
Usagi kicks its butt. Then the Fiore guy shows up and all heck breaks loose. He kicks the senshis butts and starts to go
after sailor moon when Tuxy butts in and saves the day. He then gets stabbed blocking Sailor moon and gets taken away by
Fiore..... wahoo, thats just great..... So the senshi regroup and teleport to the asteroid and start whooping Kisenian
(the flower monsters) butt. Fiore traps the senshi then uses them to get Usagi to surrender which she does. Fiore then attempts
to suck away her energy fot the kisenians and the senshi start telling of how they all are friends with her. Mamoru finally
stops Fiore before he kills her. And so all these flowers go bye-bye and the meteor that they all arrived on is now crashing
towards earth. Usagi then rids Fiore completely of the kisenian and frees him from their spell. Next Usagi gets her energy
together and tries to stop the asteroid by using the silver crystal which, she doesnt have enough energy for, and will kill
her. Everyone says Stop!! but she insists and everyone joins their powers and this power surge causes the silver crystal to
break, the asteroid is now safe and Usagi is presumably dead. Everyone is crying now and Fiore gives Mamoru a flower with
all of the energy that he had so that he could save sailor moon which he did and that was the end. She woke up and all was
happily ever after. The song in here Moon Revenge is SWEET!!!!! If you can find it, Listen to it!!! Talk about
one KAKUII SONG!!!! Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S the movie: The one thing I like about this movie
is that fact that Luna turns into a human. Thats an awesome thing about this movie. Any way, this movie starts off with
the girls shopping (including the outers minus saturn). They are having a good time when Luna gets sick and decides to go
home. Luna faints in the middle of the road and a guy picks her up out of the street before she becomes a side dish with
gravy. This guy takes her home and nurtures her back to health. The girls find her missing and go to look for her and when
they do they get attacked by the evil snow dancers (falls over at the name, really you think it could be at least intimidating).
They kick the things but and its all good. It resumes later when they are all discussing the new enemy. Luna shows up and
everyone is happy again. It turns out that Luna is going back and forth seeing the Kakeru dude that saved her.
Hes sick now and hes not having a fun time. One time Usagi follows her and confronts Luna and she tells everything. Then
the guy is attacked by the evil Head Ice chick named Kaguya Hime. So she takes the crystal she planted on him and tries to
freeze the earth. when the ocean turns to ice, the outers come to save the day. Kakeru goes off to try and warn his astronaut
girlfriend, Himeko, about the ice chick and to tell her she shouldnt fly in space. He faints and Luna stays with him. Sailor
moon and the others go and fight the Ice chick. They get together and to the Legendary Silver Crystal Power thing and kill
the evil ice chick and all is well. Sailor moon then uses the power of the silver crystal to turn Luna into a human. She
cruises around space a bit with Kakeru and confesses that she loves him but he deserves to be with Himeko. Then the dream
ends, hes okay, next thing you know were at the airport for Himekos welcome home party. Kakeru makes up with her and Artemis
and Luna get together and alls well that ends well..... The song in this is really pretty. Another must hear.
Moonlight Destiny.... Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S the movie: In this movie they have
Fairies. Yes fairies........ Sugar fairies. So this fairy named Peruru comes to see people. No actually this movie starts
out with the girls baking cookies. Usagis cookies end out to be good looking and tasting terrible and Chibi-usas are butt
ugly and delicious. On the way to Mamorus house, Chibi-usa sees this Peruru guy and has a chat with him. Usagi sees Mamoru
and then we learn that children all over the world are dissapearing!!! oh my..... That night a strange fairy guy,
not peruru its papuran, is playing his flutey thing and puts all these kids in a trance. The girls get up and follow them
and before Chibi-usa can board this odd looking ship they wake her up. Then the trouble starts cause the guy starts to send
these weird bon-bon babies after them. they transform and fight a bit. Tuxy comes in and gets the crap kicked out of him,
Chibi-usa gets kidnapped anyway and theres the delema. The girls capture this Peruru kid and have him take them
to where Chibi-usa is being held. They fight the Papuran guy and a couple others and they despose of them easily when the
outers show up (minus saturn yet again *sigh*). So they go in and meet the main bad chick. Lady Baddyanu. She begins to
use Chibi-usas energy and opens up this thing that shes working on. The black dream hole. So they get in this huge fight
to try to get chibi-usa back. Sailor moon goes into the impenetrible Black dream hole and goes after chibi-usa. She gets
her and fights Baddyanu from the inside out and asks for the senshis powers and does the moon gorgeous meditation attack with
chibi-usa and kills baddyanu. Everyone returns home and everyone is happy yet again. The only song I recomend
off this one is the song all the kids sing. Dont know the name of it sorry......






Queen Beryl

Serenity and Endymion's memory ep...

Ann from the first half of the R series

Ann again....

the tree..... so scary.... *rolls eyes*

Rubeus from Part 2

The EVIL big/little spore......

Neptune and Uranus

Mimete witch #2

Mistress 9

Soldier of destruction.....

end of S

Amazon Trio

Chibi Nehelainia.... (this pic is actually from the Stars series)

The Three Lights.... HOT HOT HOT!!!!!

Animates: Sailor Aluminum Siren and Sailor Lead Crow

The awesomest char in Stars... Princess Kakyuu *starry eyes*

Uranus and Neptune die after their betrayal....

Sailor Moon vs Galaxia

bye bye boys... I mean girls.... I mean.... *sweatdrop*

Lil Mamo-chan from R movie

Fiore (fee-or-ay)

Last fight....

Snow Dancers and Princess Snow Kaguya

Kakeru and human Luna

the cute good fairy Peruru...

the other fairies....


