~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
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My Angel of the water

A cute lil fairy :D and drawn in about 7 mins too....

~*Mitzi story 1*~

Mitzi, The main character (this is the first Manga pic of her)

Mitzi with her sword using her magic

Chibi Mitzi!!!! XD

Hitomi, Warrior of the Air (this pic isn't so great, it's the first pic of her and the only one I have scanned ;_; gomen...)

Hitomi Super deformed!!! (or chibi as i like to call it)

Hitomi with some wierd visor on o.O

Rei, Warrior of Fire (this is a pretty good pic, didn't scan to well but irl this is the best pic I've done of her.)

Rei, again, now summoning her sword

Not a grand pic of Rei but i have to add it...

Rei tormenting Hitomi

Demita, Warrior of the earth (this is pretty good for a first sketch, she's using her magic.)

Demita with sword and her elemental magic

The Athame of the Air, one of the Relics

Juta, The vilain of the story (really cool char and pic I might add)

Another Juta, she's angry :D

Ruby, evil Warrior of Fire (i know it's messed up but i just decided to not draw any more to it)

~*Mitzi Story 2*~
Sneak peek!!!! ^_^ 

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">Shinji<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">

~* Selene Silverwing *~

Selene Silverwing, Daughter of the Dragons

Young Selene with a white dragon

Doodling a dragon eye

Random Dragon

Crescent of the Dragon

~*Ronin Warriors Fanfic*~

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">Flameria the kitten :D

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">a scene from Kamaya's attack

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">Masahiko

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">Miyahara

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">Miyahara Transforming into her armor

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0"> The new faces, in shadow

<img src="http://aotwmsigsandlogos.homestead.com/files/blinkyblue.gif" border="0">Yamika's attack


Akidae being tormented by a demon


Salister (DROOL!!!!!!!!) hottie!!!

~*Gundam Fanfic*~

Analia, Pilot of Gundam Ocea

Analia going up to the cockpit

Analia with Duo

Analia with herself as a little girl

Analia all dressed up for the action

Pic of sin ^_^(Jeppy)

Sin again (jeppy)

Sinful angel (jeppy)

Formal dress (jeppy)

Cold Sin (jeppy)

Sin in the doorway (jeppy)

Sin as a little girl (jeppy)


Gundam Ocea's plan

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