~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Ronin Warriors Fanfic Characters
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::Leader and  great warrior::
Armor: Demise
Symbol: Love
Weapon: Oracle
Color: Grey/Black
Hair: Long, black hair
Eyes: Misty purple
::Flirtatious Fun girl::
Armor: Luna
Symbol: Honor
Weapon: Whips that can become a sword
Color: Silver
Hair: chin length, silver with blue streak
Eyes: Blue
::Quiet and obediant::
Armor: Storm
Symbol: Bravery
Weapon: Staff and Boomerang
Color: Yellow
Hair: Short, Blonde
Eyes: Yellow
::THE wild one o.o;;; ::
Armor: Flora
Symbol: Nobility
Weapon: Staff
Color: Fushcia/Mauve
Hair: Wild, Pinkish-Red
Eyes: Red
::Quiet, Serene, and Deadly::
Armor: Tranquility
Symbol: Peace
Weapon: Stars with cords
Color: Aqua-green
Hair: Shoulder length, Light Brown
Eyes: Grey-Blue