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![]() ~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
*~Magic Knight Rayearth~*
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Order of things: Series Summery OVA Summery Song Recomendation Episode List Character Bios Series Summery: Magic Knight Rayearth: Here we go with one of my favorite series..... We start off with this little girl, who we come to know as Princess Emeraude, making a wish in this little flower thing.
She lays back and this beam of light shines from this jewel on her head and we go to modern day Tokyo. So, at the Tower (Tokyo
tower for the little unknowing peps), we meet this girl Hikaru who is so easily amused with going here while her friends think
its like their in kindergarden. But all of a sudden Hikaru screams out cause!!!!!...... her telescope ran out of time.....
So this really smart girl comes over and gives her some money and said that she enjoyed watching her look through the telescope.
She walks off before Hikaru can even say thank you and is blocked by this huge group of girls in blue uniforms. One of the
girls in this group looks over at Hikaru and the other girl looks over at her as well. A huge ball of light flashes outside
of the tower and they are transported to the other world called Cephiro. Once they fall through the air, land on a huge flying fish, and are dropped off on a cliff, they meet this really really
short guy with a horn on his forehead named Clef. He is a really powerful Mage (you know like in RPGs where they have magic
mages? yeah thats what he is...) and has some really kakuii magic if I do say so myself. Anyway, he gives Hikaru, Umi (the
second girl from another school), and Fuu (the girl that gave Hikaru money) magical powers so that they can revive the rune-gods
and become true Magic Knights. He also tells them the story of Cephiro and says that its a land where the strong willed will
do the most and acheive the most. He tells them the story of Princess Emeraude and how she is the pillar of Cephiro, one who
prays to keep Cephiro up and running basically. Hikaru is thrilled just by the Magic Knight stuff but the others arent so
enthusiastic. Their getting ready to go on their little way to see an artisan for weapons when this skanky middle aged lady
named Alcyone comes and decides that she has a problem with that. Clef sends the Magic Knights on their way and fights with
her, but in doing so she tricks him and runs off while the BIG bad guy, Zagato, turns poor little Clefy into stone. ;_; When Alcyone does catch up, Hikaru uses her Flame Arrow attack and turns her to embers ^_^. So the Magic Knights fly on
to see the artisan Presea for their weapons. When they get there she says that they can borrow the weapons she has but they
have to get the ore Escudo if she wants them to have weapons that are fit for Magic Knights. She also gives them the ever
so adorable, man I want his plushie, cuter than youd ever know Mokona, their wonderful guide to the Spring of Eterna. So now were off on another trip but in this one they have to fight a bunch of monsters and they have to do it without magic,
at least in this forest. In the process they meet this really hot guy named Ferio. He kinda develops this crush on Fuu at
the beginning, so yeah we have the whole love sparks thing. Anyway, they travel with Ferio through the forest and part ways
at the exit. When they get to the first town they get in a whole bunch of trouble. They get caught in a net and almost get
attacked by the townspeople but a monster pops up and kinda helps them. Then they kill the monster and get attacked by Alcyone.
Umi is hurt pretty bad and Hikaru is pretty mad by that. She screams that Alcyone should be a warrior for the princess, Alcyone
says she is but shes in love with Zagato and working for him. Hikaru and Alcyone spar off and it ends out with Umi using her
Water Dragon attack to help Hikaru beat Alcyone and Fuu does her Winds of Healing spell and heals Umi. So off they go again. They get to the Spring of Eterna they see a weird little top looking landmass and a line..... Its soooo funny to watch
Umi in this scene. They basically sit and fuss until Hikaru follows Mokona and looks at the line from above to show that the
spring appears to be 2D. Without further adieu, they jumped into the spring and got on with it. In the spring they have to go through this test in order to get the Escudo. The also get a couple new attacks. Hikaru gets
Ruby Lightning, Umi gets Sapphire Whirlwind, and Fuu gets Emerald Typhoon. They get thier little Escudo and once again Alcyone
pops up. She wants to take their Escudo and get rid of them but she fails miserably again. The Magic Knights get up and get
out of there while Alcyone goes back to Zagato and gets imprisoned in her little cell. Now we have to deal with the crybaby
kid summoner named Ascot. Ascot whips out one of his monsters and sends it after Presea when the Magic Knights get back. They give up the Escudo
so that she can finish their weapons while they go and fight the monster. They fight the monster and it just keeps evolving
everytime it got hit but the worst part is that it built resistance to their magic. The monster finally gets through their
resistance and goes for Presea. The Magic Knights rush in to find her under neat a huge rock and she tells them that their
weapons are done and faints. The Magic Knights call thier weapons to their hands and finally defeat the monster. When the
check back with Presea she tells them that they need to save the Princess Emeraude from Zagato and the she dies. Very sad
I must say, but we must move on. Remember Ferio? he pops up again and runs into Ascot. He tells him that he could bring him the Magic Knights if Ascot would
make him his apprentice. Ascot wasnt to thrilled but Ferio acts like a bonehead and goes for it anyway. In another town Ferio
meets up with the Magic Knights and lures them to the desert where Ascot waits with his monster. The Magic Knights check out
the desert and when the get attacked by the monster, Ferio helps them and is captured by Ascot. The Magic Knights arent sure
who Ferio is sided with and when they begin to leave Ascot tells them that they have one day to surrender or he would kill
Ferio. Hikaru was ready to go and get him but Fuu told her that he kinda lied and that they should make a plan with the remaining
time to save him. They go and sleep that night with nothing planned and Fuu decides that she was gonna save Ferio all by herself.
She goes into the desert and fights with the monster but gets knocked off her feet. Ferio rushes to her side and says that
it was stupid of her to fight by herself and that this was his fault and that hed take care of it. As Ferio leads the monster
away, Fuu starts crying and right before he gets eaten she calls out his name and attracts the attention of the monster. Her
sword evolves then and she kills the monster and saves the day. Ferio goes his own way agian. Hikarus sword evolves next when they battle a monster that she fell in love with because
it reminded her of her dog at home and Umis sword evolved when they made their last confrontation with Alycone (Stupid Ascot
released her and she decided to attack on her own accord, vengence is a killer). The Magic Knights reach the sea and Mokona
takes them under the water. Umi starts acting strange and then they see why. They go into the shrine of the water that holds
the legendary Rune-god, Selece (hes a dragon by the way). Ascot, of course, is waiting for them and attacks Hikaru and Fuu
when Umi wanders off and is going through the trial of Selece. Finally Umi realizes that Fuu and Hikaru and getting the crap
beat out of them and goes to fight with him. Selece stops her and says that she doesnt need to save them, her mission was
to defeat Zagato. Umi gets ticked and says that if it means abadoning her friends to defeat Zagato, she doesnt need a rune-god.
Selece is moved by this and changes to his robot form and kicks the monsters but. Selece then tells Umi that she is not ready
to don him and that he will wait in untill she is ready, then he dissapears. Their armor and weapons evolve and they leave. Ascot who is unsure of what to do with Zagato and such is semi-replaced by Caldina, the skimpy yet very funny Illusionist.
Caldina has basically enslaved a town by fear and just by chance our good old friend Ferio has stopped in town. When the Magic
Knights show up he realizes something was up. The villagers attack the Magic Knights and Ferio gets them to stop. The villagers
explain what the heck was going on and Ferio says that he was gonna make a plan and that he would free the village of her.
The plan is approved and they go set up to do it. Ferio leads the Magic Knights to the edge of the village so that they can
escape and before they leave Fuu asked why he was going to all this trouble for him. His response was that Princess Emeraude
told him to and that he was doing it because he fell in love with her. They leave and the Ferio goes to see Caldina. They
play cards and the villagers fake a huge scene where they kill Ferio. The freaked out Caldina says that its okay and that
she would leave cause she wasnt needed there anymore. The Magic Knights are now headed for the Shrine of the Sky to revive Windam the..... umm... bird thing. But on the way
Caldina intercepts them twice. Once she nearly kills them but Ascot stops her. The next time she hypnotizes Hikaru and Umi
and has them attack Fuu. Fuu beats Caldinas illusion and magic so Caldina decides to be good and let the Magic Knights go
for good. The Magic Knights go on to the Shrine of the Sky and run into, once agian, Ferio. Only this time hes carrying a girl that
fell ill. A couple things happen that make Fuu get a little suspicious and she gets a little moody with him. They all wake
up the next morning and see that Ferio has fallen ill himself. The girl said that she would stay behind and tend to Ferio.
Fuu of course is just anerved by this and starts to walk off to the Shrine when Ferio stops her and asks her why she was acting
strange. Shes mad at this and he says that he believes that she will be fine and that he beleives in her. She smiles and tells
the girl to look after Ferio. The Magic Knights go on to the shrine while the poor Ferio who was left behind realizes that
the girl he saved was actually a person working for Zagato named Inouva. Inouva changes to his true male form and tells Ferio
that he was going to kill the Magic Knights as he leaves. Fuu, up at the shrine, started acting weird and the she just vanished
into thin air. She was summoned to Windam and she began taking her trial. Inouva on the other hand, decided to take care of
what was left. He beat up Hikaru and Umi pretty bad before Fuu got out of her trance and decided to fight Inouva. Inouva showed
Fuu that he had captured Ferio and could kill him anytime he wanted to but if she were to give up then he would free Ferio
and they could go on their way. Fuu said that she would fight because those that she loved would not want her to back down
and she was going to fight for them. Windam liked this answer and turned into the robot and took care of Inouva. On the way
away from the shrine, Ferio pushed Fuu away and said to forget about him. She asked why and he responded that he had held
her back and that he was a problem for her. She said that it was because of him that she had beaten Inouva but he said that
it wasnt and left. Fuu was pretty upset but Hikaru and Umi cheered her up and said that she didnt need to foget about Ferio
because he would come back. So off to the next Shrine we go.... The Magic Knights run into yet another bad guy on the way named Lafarga. Hes actually
the Captain of Emeraudes Gaurd but he was hypnotized by Zagato. Hikaru and him fight and Hikaru breaks the spell. All happy
they leave and go to the shrine only to be intercepted by the last time by Inouva. Inouva appeared as his true form, a magical
beast, and fought with the Magic Knights and was beaten by them. We also find out that Ferio is Emeraudes brother. Finally they reached the Shrine of Fire to revive Rayearth, the fire wolf / lion thing. So guess who starts acting weird?
Duh.... Hikaru!!! She gets sucked into a door while Umi and Fuu just bang on it and try to get in. Well, Zagato decides to
show up too and strip Umi and Fuu of their powers too. Hikaru goes through the whole trial thing too but Rayearth knocks her
out of the room and onto the doorstep at Zagatos feet. Zagato threatens her and strips her power, but right before he makes
the last blast, Lafarga counters it. They spar off for a bit and then Lafarga gets hit pretty bad by Zagato then falls down
in front of Hikaru. Zagato goes to hit Lafarga again but Hikaru steps in the way. Zagato laughed and told her that if she
backed away now, hed let them live and hed find a way for them to go home. Hikaru said no and Zagato told her that its only
fitting that she go down with his strongest spell. He blasts and its still blocked, this time by a pillar of fire. She proved
herself worthy of donning Rayearth and everything evolves. She attacks Zagato and oh man... his shoulder started bleeding....
he flees and everyone is all good ^_^. SO, it comes down to this. The big final battle right? All right. They fight for half an episode really. In the first half
they find the castle that thier in, then they fight with Zagato, who is fighting with his own Rune-god!!! (The robots are
what thier in) They spar and they yell at each other. And during all this, we realize that Zagato isnt that bad as people
made him out to be. Hes actually doing this out of love, he thinks that the pillar system is wrong and is in love with Emeraude.
He really whips thier butt bad!!! but after they supposedly die you see and undieing light and the combined attack of Spiral
Flash that totally whipes out Zagato. His dieing words were Emeraude....... be free...... The Magic Knights of course are thrilled because now they get to go home and they saved the Princess!!! ^_^ All is happy
ever after!!! WRONG ...........When they go to meet Emeraude they see this older woman that resembled
her but didnt seem like her. She claimed to be Emeraude though. So the Magic Knights explain that they beat Zagato and woah!!!
wait a minute!!! You murdered my dear Zagato?! WTF?!?!? yupsies kiddos...... its true.... shes lost it.... They get into this
huge fight and the Magic Knights are really confused. Finally an apparition of the Emeraude that they knew shows up and says
that the creature that they saw before them was actually her. She had gone mad over the loss of Zagato. It turned out that
Zagato and Emeraude loved one another but since Emeraude was the pillar of Cephiro that wasnt allowed. So Zagato tried to
take things into hands but that didnt work and this was where they were. The Magic Knights were still confused until Emeraude
explained the real reason that the Magic Knights are ever summoned. They are summoned to kill the pillar. The Magic Knights
are just as shocked as the rest of us. Emeraude says that her heart is almost completely filled with hatred but she begs them
to give her the one and only selfish wish in her life. The Magic Knights, as well as anyone watching, are in tears and finally
kill the Emeraude that was present. The Magic Knights are sent back to thier world regretting what they did. In tears, hugging
one another, they say that they want to go back. Go back and help nurture the world that Emeraude loved so much. Magic Knight Rayearth 2: Basically we pick up a couple days from where we left off. Hikaru has been bumming around at home and her brothers are
worried about her. Shes also had a weird dream thats about Cephiro. Umi is not eating alot and always in a daze. Her parents
think that shes having love troubles and incourage her to find a wonderful person just as they had (the eternal honeymoon
thing XD). Fuu is headed out to school and her sister goes to walk with her. She says that she hasnt really eaten anything
and that their mother and father are worried about her. She just gazes off and her sister asks if there if the people that
share this pain with her would be at tokyo tower where they were going to meet. Fuu says yes and her sister asks her to bring
back a couple pastries *sweatdrop*. So Umi, Fuu, and Hikaru meet up at Tokyo tower and talk a little about what happened.
Hikaru says that she wants to go back and then all of a sudden, the flash shows up. The next thing you know thier falling
through the sky again and land on the flying fish that belonged to Clef. They look around at the Cephiro they were supposed
to know and found only a sea of jagged rocks. They fly to the only thing that wasnt jagged rocks, a castle. Mokona is there
to meet them and he takes them in to see Clef. Clef talks with them and finally asks them who had summoned them since there
was no pillar to summon them. They say they dont know, and Clef tells them of armies from other countries invading Cephiro.
Those countries are Autozam, Chizeta, and Fahren. Emeraude had put a barrier in order to keep out those countries from invading
but now that the barrier wasnt there they were invading. The Magic Knights, hearing this, decided that they were going to
fight to keep Cephiro safe. Clef disagreed with them at first but eventually gave them their magic and armor back. Then suddenly,
Presea appeared and gave them thier weapons. She had been revived by Emeraude before she died. When thier weapons dissapeared
into thier glove gems, the gems on their armor glowed and they dissapeared. When they opened their eyes the Rune-gods stood
before them and asked if they would don them once more and fight for Cephiro. With this, they don them and go fight Autozam,
who were currently posing a threat. When the Magic Knights get to the battleship, they are met by Eagle Vision, commander of the battleship NSX from Autozam,
in his mecha fighter, the FTO. He poked around at them a while before Hikaru finally attacks him and overpowers his shield
on his FTO. Eagle runs away with a casual goodbye and the Magic Knights head home. When the Magic Knights get to the castle
they are met by Ferio, who thanks them for granting his older sisters wish. Fuu, who never knew that he was her little brother,
starts crying and is comforted by the loving Ferio who tells her that it was the right thing to do. After this, the girls
go with Ferio and meet up with Caldina and Lafarga, and Ascot after Caldina drags the crushing over Umi grown up, no longer
a runt teenager. After that, this tall, totally hot, blue-eyed, dark-haired wonder walks out from behind them carrying a girl
in his arms. Well this babe turns out to be the younger brother of Zagato, Lantis, and the girl was a chick he just happened
to save from the crumbling Cephiro. Lantis also drags around this fairy named Primera who thinks that Lantis is hers and she
fights a bunch over him. Well, Lafarga doesnt like Lantis too much and after he sets down the girl, he basically acts like
a big jerk. Lantis leaves and everyone goes off to bed. But of course.... no one stays there. Umi goes off and appologizes
to Clef for being such a spoiled brat and not appriciating his concern when they first met. Fuu is checked on by Ferio who
tries to make her feel better. Hikaru wakes up and goes on a walk and runs into Lantis comforting a little girl. Hikaru walks
with them and when they finally got her home, Hikaru tells Lantis that if he was going to strike revenge out on anyone, it
should be her. Lantis said that what happened wasnt thier fault and that they shouldnt feel so bad about it. Then Clef pops
up with a warning and says that Autozam is outside the castle. As the girls show up to fight Autozam, Alcyone pops up out
of nowhere. She starts attacking the Magic Knights but with a heck of alot more powerful magic. Then she starts talking with
the voice of a chick that Hikaru has heard in her dreams. Oooo buddy its getting freaky.... Anyway, the freaky person says
that Cephiro will die and fall away and then Hikaru gets caugt up in this white light. We are now introduced to the most annoying
character in the whole show, Nova. Shes got some screwed up ideas so yeah, we dont like her too much.... When Hikaru gets back to the normal world, we find her and the girls going up to the NSX and asking Eagle to tell them
why Autozam is invading Cephiro. Eagle explains that Autozam wants the pillar system so that thier world could run more efficiently.
In the middle of his little speach, this really high shrill voice says NO!!!!!!!. That would be the voice of Lady Aska of
Fahren. Boy what a brat she is.... Anyway, she decides to get all prissy and send out a creature to attack the Magic Knights.
They of course beat the thing but Eagle records their battle for data. The girls go back to the castle and talk with Clef a bit. He tells them that there is definately no one good strong enough
to be the pillar. When they ask why, he takes them to a room and shows them that Emeraudes crown, the proof of the pillar,
was still unchanged. Hikaru decides then to go out and see if she can find anyone who is capable of becoming the pillar. Every
one tells her that its too dangerous and and she says that Lantis could go with her as her protector (note: no romatic reason,
she thought it up off the top of her head). The girls are skeptical about that but she convinces Lantis is a good guy and
they let her go. The duo head out with Mokona and Primera and run into Eagle. Him and Hikaru fight. Hikaru gets electricuted and taken away
by Eagle. Lantis tries to stop him but Alcyone decides to pop back up and block him. She gets really head over heels for Lantis
but with only one problem, she thinks hes Zagato. She starts swooning over Lantis and he tells her that Zagato is dead. She
doesnt beleive him and she says that hes Zagato and she says something about Debonair. Lantis just zaps her and carries her
away to the castle. (funny way of putting it lol) Anyway, Fuu and Umi head out to find Hikaru while Hikaru is on the NSX. In Hikarus dream, Nova shows up again saying that
shes coming real soon but then wakes up in some weird looking clothes. Then this kid named Zazu Torque walks in and takes
her to Eagle, and of course has to flirt with her like crazy on the way. She meets up with Eagle and they talked about Lantis,
Autozam, and the pillar system some more. Eagle treats her really kindly surprisingly and finally gives her back her clothes.
Eagle made a strange comment saying that there was alot of energy in the glove. Then as Eagle is leaving the room, Lantis
blasts a hole in the ceiling and demands him to return Hikaru. Of course, them being men and all, they have to duke it out
to see which one was better *sweatdrop* oh well... it only makes you wonder whether or not Lantis really likes her... So,
in the middle of the guys battle, Hikaru hears Novas voice and dissapears to the barren wasteland which is now Cephiro. Then
this long pink haired, psychotic chick shows up and says shes Nova, the one that will kill Hikaru. After that she starts attacking
Hikaru and telling her how much she loves her. (told you she was psycho.....) Hikaru decides that shes had enough and attacks
her with Flame Arrow, but Nova blocks that and sends the same attack right back at her!! Nova has the same magic as Hikaru
(it gets freakier trust me). Well now she says that she is Hikaru and thats why she has the same magic as her. If thats not
enough, she whips out her own Rune-god and jumps in it. Hikaru transforms into her Magic Knight armor, calls forth Rayearth,
and hops in herself. At this time, Umi and Fuu who were about looking for Hikaru, spot her and come down to help. This really
ticks Nova off and she sends herself and the Magic Knights to an alternate dimension. She then starts attacking Umi and Fuu
and says that their interupting her play time with Hikaru (GOD shes WEIRD!!!!) and that she was going to kill them. Hikaru
steps up and says that she would never forgive her if she did that. Nova acts all weird again spouting her line of how she
loved her and was gonna kill her, and transports them once again to another deminsion. Only this time, the magic of the girls
are halved, all accept sweet lil Nova (hurl). She then starts yapping about how her mother is going to take over Cephiro since
people have fear in their hearts because there is no pillar. After Hikaru and the rest of us are totally confused and evil
laughter and the weird chick that was in Hikarus dreams show up. She says that she will reduce Cephiro to nothing and create
and elegant void. She tells Nova to kill the Magic Knights and that she will be waiting right beside Cephiro.... (youll learn
in the end, its so messed up.....) Nova starts attacking Umi and Fuu and Hikaru gets really ticked and attacks Nova. Nova
just catches the blade of Hikarus sword in her hand and squeezes, breaking the sword in half!!! Nova blasts Rayearth and Hikaru
falls out of Rayearth and into his hand. He places her on the ground and then dissapears. Nova says that shes bored and that
they are weak. She dissapears and the girls go back to the right dimension but Hikaru is still faint. They take her back to
the castle, but Clef felt this weird prescence that covered all of Cephiro and so did Lantis. Lantis summons his horse and
rides away from the NSX, while at the castle Hikaru is struggling to even walk. Now we play in the planet of Chizeta (LMAO these girls are great) and the princesses Tatra and Tarta. They talk about how
their going to take over Cephiro and yadda yadda..... So, back at the castle, Hikaru broke the news to Presea that her sword
snapped. Presea couldnt really beleive it but she hears the entire story of what happens and understands. Caldina, being absolutely
helpful, says that they all need to take a bath so that they can think of a good idea and they arent so glum. They all look
at her funny and think that shes crazy but decide to do it anyway. While that sweet lil scene is going on up there, off in another room, Clef, Ferio, Lafarga, and Lantis are watching over
the captive Alcyone and interrogating her. Alcyone doesnt really tell them anything but goes psycho the minute they say Emeraude.
Lantis finally walks forward and asks Alcyone who Debonair was. She, still beleiving he is Zagato, says that she is what the
people of Cephiro wish for. What ever that means..... During the girls bath, Chizeta appears and Umi and Fuu rush off to battle while Hikaru stays behind helpless. They show
up infront of the Bravada, Chizetas battleship, and the sister princesses send out thier genie looking gardians called the
Djinn. The Magic Knights fight the Djinn but cant really hit them. They constantly dance and swallow thier magic attacks (yes,
swallow, as in through the mouth...). Aska from Fahren is watching and is grossed out by the Djinn and sends out another apparition
to battle the Djinn and the Magic Knights. Hikaru, who is back at the palace runs to the door but is stopped by Presea calling
out to her. Hikaru knows that she cant do anything and hates feeling helpless. (on a side note, Emeraudes crown is starting
to glow a little right about now) Back on the battlefeild, Umi and Fuu are starting to get the crap really beat out of them. With a blast from the apparition
from Fahren, the Magic Knights faint, Umi is taken by Chizeta and Fuu is taken by Fahren. Hikaru is ashamed that she cant
fight and that she cant help her friends. Presea sees this and tells her that she will help her revive her sword. Before Presea revives Hikarus sword, she goes and sees Clef. Here we find out that the Presea that we see is not her but
her twin sister. Clef knows this but had her come because he wanted the Magic Knights to not feel so guilty. Clef asks her
for her actual name but she says that she is Presea and will remain that way untill she thinks its the right time. When she
steps outside of the door, she cries and says that she didnt want to be like her twin and fall in love with the same man as
her but it was too late. With that, Presea leaves to revive Hikarus sword. Presea and Hikaru start the process of revival and in the first stage, our good friend Nova shows up. Nova tries to screw
with Hikarus head and her memories of Umi and Fuu. When that doesnt work she pulls out a trump card, Lantis. Hikaru doesnt
really realize shes in love with him but here its pretty darn evident. So she just tortures her for a while. The next couple of episodes are what Umi and Fuu go through in their captivity. Umi fights with the princesses of Chizeta
and finally talks with them about the pillar system. She then leaves and is attacked at the younger and more aggressive ones
will. Fuu during all of this is having an archery match with Lady Aska of Fahren. Ferio helps her escape and both Umi and
Fuu are intercepted by Debonair. Clef gets them out before she toasts them. Now getting back to Hikaru, after getting the crap beaten out of her and malested by Nova, Presea shows up and tells her
to fight. Hikaru gets up and fights Nova and tells her that shes going back. Hikarus sword appears in her hand and she does
this really cool flash attack, beating Nova. In the real world, the worrying Lantis is holding Hikaru in his arms. Hikaru
unconciously wakes up and raises her hand to his face and says Im sorry, but I love you. and faints again. The next day, Hikaru
goes and sees Presea and Presea finds out that Hikaru didnt remember what she had said to Lantis. The plot only thickens.....
Hikaru runs into Lantis in the castle garden and he gives her a lil gift. A mirror on a neclace that belonged to his mother.
She doesnt want to take it but he takes her hand and put it in it and says that it will protect her one day. Then CLEF of
all people interupts this wonderful part with his STUPID telekenesis!!! and says that someone is attacking the castle!!! OF
ALL THE TIMES!!! GEEZ!!!!! (can you tell Im kind of angry by that?!) Eagle now starts to think hes hot stuff and gets this crazy notion to do an all out attack on the castle. The Magic Knights
go out and meet Eagle in his FTO and Geo in his GTO. They kinda cheat to get in the castle, geo holds one of the knights hostage
while Eagle flies to the castle. Anyway... they despense of Geo good enough and fly into the castle to find the roaming Eagle.
Lantis goes up once again to the Crown room and this time he sees Debonair. Debonair reaches out for the crown but is stopped
by the screaming voice of Emeraude and the Crown glowing. The entire castle starts glowing from this and the psychotic war
just stops. Hikaru has this dream about the past of Cephiro. When she wakes up she finds out that the fighting was in a stand still.
So the girls take advantage of the stand still and go down to the residential area of the castle to converse with the people
(of course they live in high class, thier from another world ya know....). During this Nova attacks, AGAIN, and says that
shes going to kill Lantis. Umi and Fuu tell Hikaru to go find Lantis and protect him. She gets there a little late but all
in all, Lantis was visiting Eagle and talking with him but Nova decided to stop in and say hey. Hikaru fights with Nova and
Nova goes over and uses Lantis to her advantage. She kisses him and tells Hikaru that no matter how much she wants it, shell
never have Lantis that way. Hikaru does a swing and miss with her sword and Nova just dissapears cackling her head off. Since Eagle hasnt come back, Geo and Zazu are getting a little upset. The go to attack the castle with the NSX but the
Dome of Fahren (Askas ship) shows up and Aska sends out one of her illusions. They fight for a while and it looks pretty grim
for NSX but in the end its a stalemate. Aska faints cause she used too much of her energy but the NSX cant do anything but
repair damages. Well talking about Eagle, speak of the devil, he decides to take a hike from his little prison cell and run about the castle
causing trouble. The Magic Knights are sent to find him and they split up to do so. Hikaru runs toward the garden where she
finds Eagle and Lantis duking it out. But as Hikaru enters the room, this weird heartbeat starts going and they are transported
to the pillar room. Eagle starts running for the actual door to the proof of the pillar and as Lantis tries to stop him, he
gets stopped by a barrier. Hikaru then runs after him and they both enter the room at the same time. This memory sequence
then goes on and we see what happened when Emeraude was the pillar and what lead to her downfall. Both Eagle and Hikaru come
out of the room unharmed in the end which causes major confusion because only the pillar is allowed to enter that room alone.
Tarta and Tatra decide to show up now and challenge Umi to a final duel. She agrees to go and she draws her sword in her
Rune-god. The sisters then say that they want to fight her one on one. She agrees and the Djinn make a platform for them to
fight on. The first fight is between Umi and Tarta and its pretty serious. Umi defeats her though and Tarta says that her
sister is even harder and more talented. Umi thanks her for her warning and begins her fight with Tatra. Well to start off,
Umi gets her butt kicked bad. Tatra goes midevil on her and almost gets Umi when she is saved by Tarta. Tatra looks at her
but goes back to fighting Umi. Umi is now peeved and really emotional and says that she wont have them fighting. She was going
to win so that she didnt have to fight against them. With that she did this cool blast from her sword and knocked Tatra out
of her socks. With Tatra defeated, the sisters promised that they would not invade Cephiro any longer. Now we jump to a lil convo between Lantis and Clef. They discuss the pillar position and what they dislike about it. Clef
said that he would tell the story of the previous pillar even if that meant that they would refuse the position. He then asked
Lantis why he came back after Emeraude had died. He said that he knew that Zagato and Emeraude loved one another and despite
how hard Zagato fought, he would never have Emeraude to himself. Not even she would allow it. Once he had learned of their
death he wished to return and make sure that no one had to suffer the same fate. Fuu and Ferio are waiting for Umi to return and the Bravada shows up out of the clouds. The Djinn make one last appearance
and form a bridge between the castle and the ship. Umi and the princesses walk down the bridge and meet up with Fuu. The princesses
and the girls have a nice lil chat untill the Dome of Fahren shows up. A bubble comes from the dragon-ship and pops on the
floor of the entrance to the castle, producing two short lil people, Aska and Sang Yun. Fuu goes over to greet them and Aska
says that she is no longer fighting Cephiro because she couldnt forget Fahren because she loved it too much. She also told
Fuu that she was there to fullfill her promise and have tea with her. While all this happiness is pouring out of the pitcher and whatnot, Hikaru is sitting alone in her dark room and looking
in the mirror at herself. She debates what happened and the fact that she could become the pillar. Eagle is thinking the same
thing and both of their thoughts go to Lantis. Hikaru thinks that he will be disappointed in her, and Eagle simply says, Youve
fallen in love with the pillar just like your older brother. Hikaru then looks in the mirror and sees a freaky reflection
of herself. The reflection reaches forward and out of the mirror and then we see the oh so lovable (gag!!!) Nova. She decides
to play a couple more games with Hikaru. Suddenly the mirror pendant that Lantis gave her shines and Nova gets all fussy over
it. She summons a couple creatures that turn out to be real pains in the butt. She then cackles and says that shes going to
kill Lantis and dissappears with one of the creatures, leaving one for Hikaru to fight. Clef and Lantis are inturupted on further conversation with a blasting of the door. Nova stands there and Clef is astonished.
He asks her how she got through since only certain people can get through. She said that he was a fool because she was Hikaru
(must we start on the whole Im another person thing again?!?!?). Clef then gasped and asked her if she was the shadow of Hikarus
heart. Nova laughed and transported Lantis and herself to a different dimension. Nova summoned forth the other monster and
made Lantis fight it. Clef though, through telepathy, told Lantis that Nova was part of Hikaru and was an image of her heart
at one point. He said that if he killed or harmed her in anyway, he could lose that part of Hikaru and that she would never
be the same. Nova then realizes that Lantis knows about who and what she is. Lantis begins to go all out on the monster when
suddenly the image of Hikaru appears in front of Lantis. He stops, he image turns from Hikaru to Nova, and she stabs him.
He falls forward into Novas arms. With a triumphant laugh she yells out to Hikaru that she has won and that she has him. Hikaru is in tears and screams out his name. She blast the monster that shes fighting, but he just keeps regenerating his
wounds. Clef talks with Hikaru through telepathy when he loses Lantis and tries to calm her. Hikaru, already knowing about
Lantis, is beyond able to get calm. He then tells her that if she didnt calm down that Nova will win. She is confused and
Clef tells her that Nova is actually a part of her heart that has manifested itself in Cephiro. Hikaru then has the thought
that it was actually her, even if it was only part of her, that hurt Lantis. She then cries out and destroys the monster for
good, but is still crying her eyes out. A flash scene of Nova shows that she feels Hikarus pain and cant explain it. The others, who heard Hikarus cries, go rushing though the castle trying to find her. They then encounter the monster that
Lantis was fighting and spar off with it. They, of course, have a hard time and when the Princesses and Aska get hit, the
girls get pretty ticked. They then summon forth two new magic spells, Emerald Cyclone and Ice Spear. That basically was all
that was left to say about that monster.... he went Kaput.... Hikaru goes to see Eagle and tells him that he was abducted by her. Eagle doesnt understand but she tells him that Lantis
was hurt and it was her fault. She said that she wanted him to know since he also loved Lantis. Eagle hugs her and she says
that she cant hate him even if he was an enemy, just because hes been so nice to her. He says that he needs to get the layout
of the pillar system because he needs to save Autozam, but he would also stay and protect Cephiro if need be. Hikaru wants
to leave with Eagle to go talk with Clef when all of a sudden, Eagle colapses coughing and hacking his head off. When Hikaru
approaches he tells her to stay back, but she still sees the blood on his hand. She asks if Lantis knows about this and he
says No, I never want him to know. Clef around this time is pretty peeved and really drained of energy. But the old coot conjurs up enough energy to go see
the depressed Alcyone and ask her where Debonair is. She just blows him off and that was the end of that. Clef could do nothing,
but Presea stayed with her and tried to get it out of her. Clef once back in his lil chair is surprised by the sudden visit of Hikaru and Eagle. They talk about the pillar system
a bit more and what each of them would do if they did become the pillar. They then come to a compramise over letting Autozam
study the pillar system so that they could possibly save their planet. The other magic knights, who have rushed to see Hikaru
from after their lil fight, rush in and see them discussing this. Their quite surprised of course. Eagle now straps on his stuff and stands in front of his FTO. He tells Hikaru not to worry, Lantis will fight to get back
with the people that he loves. He then leans down and whispers in her ear Lantis loves her. Eagle then stands back up, smiles,
and flies off in his FTO. Hikaru then turns and admits to Umi and Fuu that her and Eagle are candidates for the Pillar. After they have a little
discussion on their oppinions of the Pillar system, a huge black energy ball appears outside and Regalia decides to pop out
of it. The girls hop in their Rune-gods and go off to fight her. Hikaru asks where Lantis was and Nova just laughs and uses
the spell Lightning Call, which if you recall is Lantiss magic. The Knights are horrified and finally see that Lantis is inside
of Regalia with Nova, only hes in a trance and asleep. The girls attacked but when they saw that it caused Lantis pain, they
stopped. Eagle who had returned, heard of what was going on and watched on his visor. He said that he was going out but Geo stopped
him and told him that he was going nowhere because he had read his medical reports. Eagle said that he wanted to save Autozam
with his hands but couldnt. He said that Clef had given Autozam the go ahead on examining the pillar system and that he was
going to die the way he wished. Eagle then announced to the ship that Geo was now the commander and left the NSX. Good thing too, he got there just as Nova set out to attack and blocked it. She, of course, found this amusing and transported
them again to a different dimension. Nova fights and decides that shes gonna kick Umi and Fuus butt and does so. Then she
starts working on Eagle and Hikaru, who is really ticked at this point, stops her. The girls ask her why she is doing this
and she replys with I am Hikaru. Hikaru then explains to the girls who Nova really is and she tells Nova that what she is
fighting for is wrong. Nova doesnt want to beleive that and keeps fighting. Eagle steps up and fights Nova even more and tells
Hikaru that she can wake Lantis by calling out to him. Eagle is getting really beat up and really sick at this point, but
despite that he keeps fighting and Hikaru cries out to Lantis trying to wake him. Eagle is knocked down and Hikaru wakes Lantis
but is not able to free him yet. She gets blasted by Nova and we go back to the problem. Taking a break from the battle, Cephiro is almost down to nothing at this point and Clef decides to cast a gaurd on the
castle despite his lack of energy and strength. He tells Presea that he wont die but she needs to find out where Debonair
was so that she could tell the Magic Knights. Presea begged of him not to but he did it anyway...... pssshhh.. what a man...... Back to the battle, Lantis and Eagle start this telepathic conversation about what they should do. Lantis tells Eagle to
attack but Eagle refuses and tells him that unlike his brother, he didnt have to die to be with the one he loves. Lantis acknowleges
that and says that he wasnt going to but in order for him to get out he needed to weaken Nova. Eagle then attacks and Lantis
casts his spell, weakening Nova enough to slip free of her grasp and go back to their dimension. Eagle then is really beat
up from attacking her and is basically dying. Debonair then shows up and is really ticked. She blasts Eagle and sadly, the
FTO couldnt bear the blast and Eagle dies, just how he wanted, like a warrior. Before he died, he said these last words to
Lantis: Lantis...... Please.... make Hikaru happy..... Hikaru, who is now absolutely beyond pissed, has the Rune-Gods unite and goes to attack Debonair. Nova of course gets in
the way and decides to pick a fight with the Mega-Rune-God and she REALLY gets her butt KICKED (its about time I must say).
When she is losing the battle and almost done for, she cries to Debonair to help her, but instead Debonair blasts Regalia
and Nova dissapears from it. The girls counter Debonairs attack with Spiral Flash and equal the attack. Debonair dissapears
and the girls head back for the castle. Hikaru branches off from the group, though, and goes to see Nova. Nova tells Hikaru of how she came to be with Debonair
and Hikaru reunites with her in a brief lil scene that would make a person GAG!!!! ANYWAY, while all of this is going on Presea
is still trying to get the location of Debonair out of Alcyone. Alcyone, though, finds out that Presea isnt really who shes
portraying herself to be. Presea then admits that she is actually her sister Sierra but would give up her name to stay by
the side of Clef. Umi and Fuu walk in and plead with Alcyone to tell them where Debonair is. She tells them its useless but
they say that they wont give up even if it was. Alcyone who was moved by Sierras strength and love and the Magic Knights determination
decided to tell them. As she began to speak a black cloud surrounded her and started choking her. She got really angry and
warded the cloud off long enough to tell them that Debonair was on the reverse side of Cephiro. The cloud then fully wrapped
around her and the others watched in horror as she was slowly swallowed by the cloud. She told them not to look so upset because
this was her decision. She was finally fully sucked in and died as she uttered the name, Lord Zagato. The Knight went out again and headed for the reverse side. When they got there they headed into the castle and found the
remnants of Regalia hanging in the room. Debonair then pushed her way into and regenerated Regalia to her form. She then started
attacking the Magic Knights, who had fled back to normal old Cephiro. Debonair started beating them really bad and the Bravada,
NSX, and Dome blasted Debonair even, but they retreated when they were attacked themselves. The Knights attack with Spiral
Flash but it doesnt work. Debonair blasts them again, but this time Lantis calls forth the pendant on Hikarus neck and reflects
the attack. Debonair brushes it off and attacks again, this time hitting the Knights down. Mira, one of the villagers in the
castle, tells everybody to beleive in the Magic Knights. Her friends support her and they say that they will save them. Everybody
in Cephiro gets a lil talking to by Lafarga and the rest and finally start hoping for the Magic Knights. As they do so, the
Magic Knights power starts returning to them and the Proof of the Pillar starts glowing brighter. Clef notices this and suddenly
it dissapears and appears in front of Hikaru. She then grabs the Proof and it turns into a sword. She attacks Debonair and
finally destroys her once and for all. Hikaru raises the sword above her head and wishes for Cephiro to be in the hands of the people who live there. The next
thing you know the skies go from pitch black to a beautiful blue again and the world goes back to being as beautiful as it
was in the first series. Our girls are floating in the air and hear the voices of the Rune-Gods announce that their wish to
return to Cephiro and fight for their own hearts had been granted. They were the ones that had summoned themselves back to
Cephiro. Fuu then hears and sees Ferio and tells him that she never will forget him and that she loves him. Umi who had been
harboring this huge crush for Clef, heard his voice and started to tell, but stopped and shruged it off as Clef thanked her.
Lastly in the goodbyes, we have Hikaru. She told Lantis that the world was now beautiful and perfect and belonged to the people.
Lantis agreed. Hikaru then admited that she loved him and he told her the same. They held hands for a breif instant and then
were transported back to our world. The girls met up again at Tokyo Tower at the very end of this. Hikaru revealed that the pendant which Lantis gave her,
was STILL with her. As she admired it, she glanced up and saw Cephiro in the sky and said that they had raised a beautiful
county on their own. She then wished that she could go back, only this time to see the new Cephiro. (NOTE: in the manga, the
girls could freely travel back to Cephiro whenever they pleased. The anime people decided to get cheap and cut that lil tidbit
out of the actual anime series. Also in the manga, Eagle lives..... oh well....) |
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