~*Angel of the Water's Anime*~
Bowling Green State University Falcons!!!
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"Hurry!! Their ice cream's melting!!!" -- Dr. Lake

"As you might imagine, most marches are in duple meter because people have two feet...."

"That is a raisin, nigga!!!" ~ Byron Lewis II

"Eagles my soar on high, but weasels don't get sucked in jet engines." ~ Jason Guingrich

"Your card has been eaten, fuck you." ~ Me (shameless plug)

"Matt, did you break the Megan?" ~ Atonn

"Man, they should make it like the Sims and they can get STDs and shit." ~ Brad, Matt's roomate

"Wave of babies!!! Children!!! Che Ja Mi Mi!!! Ich Leibe Dick!!!" ~ Annie

"Eskimo Rape!!!" + "These aren't Euthinasia pills...." ~ Katie McGreevey

"Its not funny... just plain ugly" ~ my mom

"Come on get in the boat fish... come on get in the boat, fish fish!!" ~ StrongBad

"And yes, I almost creamed my pants watching it.... It blew my mind.... killed my dog.... impregnated me.... and devoured my firstborns." ~ Liam Bradley (my wonderful gay canadian ^_^)

"Your keys are in my titties!! I win!!"

"I got 17." -- me

"The problem with dorm rooms to practicing Wiccans is that they are far too small. In single-person rooms, you'd be lucky if you have a 4-foot-square space to set up your altar, cast your circle, and perform a ritual. Woe to those who like to add in dances to their rituals!"

"We're sitting there watching and this chick pops up out of nowhere and scares the shit out of me.... so I jump like any normal person, but as i get to the top of my jump i get a fricken charlie horse so i start screaming "charlie horse!! charlie horse!!!" -- me

Me:"Tadane-iku iku!!!"
Julian: Just one iku... its sounds like your a little excited

"We're stuck in an Amish Love Triangle!!!"

"And the lights go out on the amish community...."

"He burns brighter than the lights they despise!!!"

"Take your hat off!!! Take your hat off!!!!!!!!" (care of Dr. Lockard (sp?))

"grlabalbhlahblah!!!" ~ annie's immitation of above

"You don't have snickers?! I'm gonna die!!! See me here?! I'm dying.... slow... miserable... painful deaths....... OH!!!!" ~ you had to be there.... ask stef

"ooo!! you have a guitar? can you play?"--me

"kotc? Do I even want to know what it means? Knight of the Children? Kick onto the crotch? Kill only the chickens?" ~ Sabin

"Marriage is finding the one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."

"This movie contains an all-seeing flaming eye, a ring that makes the user invisible, the walking dead, and a wizard older than the LoTR triolgy even lets on. And you pick FARAMIR to call unrealistic?"-- Drago Goldenwing

"just remember kids.... we all have to write chorales but mine will pwn you because its titled.... "Impending doom".... yay ^_^" -- me

"Hey... thats that picture of god masturbating kittens...."-- me

"Clinton... Die?... okay..." - Dr. DeBacco

"I really have boring hobbits (hobbies) and pits (pets)." - Pei Ling Lee (note: she's a taiwaneese woman and her english has a harsh accent. She also can't say my friends name Charles. She says "Char - Less")

"You know what? Go to class sick. Then puke all over the classroom and make em clean it up. That'll teach them to have an attendance policy." - Katie McGreevey

"I really like American music students. They'd be running down the road hearing the ambulance saying "Wow! a Tritone!" and then WHACK!" - Dr. Tranthum

"(Reading class outline)... Please write homework on board... (looks behind him at clean board)... Woops..." - Corey, Theory 2 TA

Sarah (math 112 prof): "Okay give me some integers for X"
random: "...2..."
Random: "...5.."
Sarah: "Oh come on... those are easy...."
me: "12."
Sarah: "Someone put that in a calculator..."

Psych TA: "You can't give people ice cream and then throw them in water to see if they cramp and drown."
Kid in class: "Heck... where can I sign up for that study?"

"He wants to take us to a moment of utter despair and end on a thought of hope.... I wonder if he thought that when he put in the E-Flat?" - guy in UCS (talking about the last chord being in C minor)